Victoria Spartz, GOP Congresswoman-Elect in Indiana’s Fifth District: ‘God Is Our Protector and Strength’ – IOTW Report

Victoria Spartz, GOP Congresswoman-Elect in Indiana’s Fifth District: ‘God Is Our Protector and Strength’


Many of the articles so far published about Republican Victoria Spartz’s victory in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District two weeks ago have highlighted the amounts of money spent in the very tight race—at least $15 million, according to an Associated Press account.

But most pieces haven’t mentioned the importance of faith in Spartz’s life, something the newly elected congresswoman values highly and holds dear.

As the 42-year-old politician noted ahead of the November 3 election, “God is our protector and strength. Strong values are the backbone of our constitutional republic.”

She shared those personal beliefs with iVoterGuide, a resource for American voters, in answer to a survey it distributed to thousands of candidates seeking office this fall.

Spartz also said that she “strongly agrees” with the statement that “human life begins at conception and deserves protection at every stage until natural death.”

An Orthodox Christian, Spartz immigrated to the United States from Ukraine in 2000 and has been serving as a state senator from Noblesville, Indiana, since 2017. She and her husband, Jason Spartz, have two daughters.

The conservative Spartz believes in “less government, more freedom.” She proudly calls herself “an American by choice.” more

2 Comments on Victoria Spartz, GOP Congresswoman-Elect in Indiana’s Fifth District: ‘God Is Our Protector and Strength’

  1. The race was too close. That district used to be heavily republican. Susan Brooks and Dan Burton before easily won with between 58 and 68% of the vote. Not my district but close enough to feel the effect of the enormous outside money spent on negative advertising. It was relentless, more than hourly on tv and the conservative radio station and almost worked. Two woman bashing the crap out of each other with pointless drivel. It was embarrassing. If we weren’t fighting for our very country and I lived in 5, I would have voted for the Libertarian guy.


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