Lou Dobbs made a personal plea to President Trump – IOTW Report

Lou Dobbs made a personal plea to President Trump

Declassify ANY AND ALL ObamaGate documents.
Why stop there?

10 Comments on Lou Dobbs made a personal plea to President Trump

  1. …he might, but I’m pretty sure Obama’s “justice” department can drag out any actual action until “president” Harris tells them to not even bother, just like they planned all along…

  2. What people seem to not understand is that President Trump is not in personal possession of tens of thousands of computer files, let alone millions of pages of hard copy. He can order the declassification of items he personally can identify… but what’s he supposed to do — personally upload them to a website that he personally controls? Without cooperation, it’s futile. There’s an entire unwieldy bureaucratic process that stuff has to go through.

  3. The time for declassifying that stuff ended several months ago, it’s so late for it now that it will have no effect on anything taking place in the future.

    Particularly so, no effect on the elections or their upcoming results.

  4. It is obvious that the Deep State has been conspiring for over a decade against the American people to frustrate any official who is actually working in the American people’s interests.


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