Professional D-Bags – IOTW Report

Professional D-Bags


Missouri Doctor Says People Who Don’t Mask Are Like ‘Enemy Combatants’.

Professional discussion of the harms and benefits of masks and mask mandates cannot even happen privately among doctors without vitriol. This kind of atmosphere kills science.

My 18-year-old son, who has Down Syndrome, had a dental procedure last week. We were supposed to have it done in March, but due to the cancellation of outpatient procedures, it was postponed until then.

His teeth needed major cleaning, and since he has a ton of oral sensory issues, sedation has become necessary. All went well, thankfully. However, that night the dentist called and talked with my husband, who is an urgent care physician, about another condition he discovered. Our son has a yeast infection around and slightly inside of his mouth.

The dentist said in 25 years of practice, he had only seen about five cases of this, until 2020. This year alone, he has seen at least 30. Some dentists sounded the alarm about this six months ago, but it doesn’t fit the narrative, so you probably didn’t hear about it. The working terminology for this new condition is “mask mouth.” read more

19 Comments on Professional D-Bags

  1. “Missouri Doctor Says People Who Don’t Mask Are Like ‘Enemy Combatants’.”

    I don’t worry about assholes like this to much. I worry more about LE that think they’re going to enforce it. My NorCal county has waved the big middle finger to Newsom. We’re pretty much wide open with the exception of Multi State or Nation Wide stores that are required to follow a cooperate procedure.

  2. …I think “because Dr SAYS so” is one of the weakest excuses on the planet.

    I’ve met many doctors in my life, in many different roles, from a medic working closely with them to a father trying to keep them from killing his son because they’re not listening to social settings and exhausted cafeteria ramblings, and I can tell you this about them…

    …they are human.

    …some are good, some are bad, some are idealistic, some are jadedly clinical, some are heroes, and some are cowards, and some very noticeably can’t put their politics down when they pick their stethoscope up.

    They’re just humans.

    Well trained in many cases, perhaps charity passed or Affirmative Action graduated in others, but however hard they worked for that degree, there’s nothing about it that makes them gods.

    They do wonderful things.

    They also make deadly mistakes.

    And they sometimes develop an arrogance that only a caduceus seems to confer that makes them expect their word on ANY subject to be the LAST one, as though handed down from on high.

    Having worked with them, I understand it in some settings, because someone needs to be “in charge” in an emergency and a doctor MUST step up and forcefully BE that someone at times.

    But when that bleeds over into Government, that becomes a problem, as any 5 minutes of listening to Fauci will convince you.

    They are learned people, true.

    But that doesn’t automatically make them RIGHT…

  3. @ Brad DECEMBER 1, 2020 AT 12:28 PM

    Federal money dictates policy and that goes all the way down to the individual LEO. This is something that needs to be addressed. The progressive movement has it’s tentacles wrapped around everything and anything at this point. It is a terrific mess.

  4. JDHasty

    I don’t believe any Federal Laws have been developed. Yet. But, the same thing does apply to the states and the individual counties. In California, Newsom hasn’t tried that, yet. If he does, I think he will find his bony ass in court facing a bunch of counties declaring Un Constitutional bull shit.

  5. SNS, I learned this early on. My mom used to be a nurse and she always questioned what the doctors told her.

    Then my first job out of college was an office manager for a family doctor. I heard him talking to his patients as my office was next to his and he almost always left the door open between us. He would tell his patients that THEY are responsible for their health as they know their body better. He told them to get second opinions because he may not always be right.

    God bless him, he loved his patients.

  6. Claudia DECEMBER 1, 2020 AT 1:31 PM

    …sounds like you had a wise mother and a smart doctor you worked for there, Claudia, you were blessed by that.

    I wish I could say that ALL doctors and nurses thought like that, though…

    …and God bless that woman rasing a Down’s child, espeically in the world we live in today!

    One of my nieces has a Downs child, probably because she concieved farily late in her childbearing years (which is one known risk factor for having a Down’s child, so don’t put it off, ladies…), and he’s an absolute joy to be around as he grows and develops, but he does have challenges that have to be met, and he does wear the stamp of this syndrome on his face that other children will recognize and ridicule as he gets old enough for school, so it’s unquestionably a tough row to hoe. So far, the surgeries have been limited to ear tubes, but the possiblity exists for many, many more and as a parent of a child that needed corrective surgeries for a cleft from his first year on, I can tell you that is NOT an easy thing to deal with even ONCE, let ALONE having your child’s LIFE punctuated by them.

    …and as a doctor’s wife, it’s even LESS fun for them as it would be for most folks…becuase they know things. See, I’ve been down that road, too, and my basic training was in worst possible case thinking, which I still do today, and since it was a doctor who taught it to me, I’d say it isn’t an uncommon mindset on the higher levels of medicine as well. You’re always cognizant of the possibilities, always thinking what COULD go wrong, even if it’s not that LIKELY to go wrong, because you’ve seen too much go wrong over the years to pretend like it CAN’T.

    It’s there, a part of you, and you do not get to leave it in the background just because it’s your own child.

    Let me illustrate;

    When he wasn’t a year old, it was time for the first surgery. I’ve described the induction room process by which you hold your child until they pass out from the anesthetic injection, so I won’t go into it. It’s VERY unpleasant for ANYONE, but here’s the REAL fun part when you know just enough to be dangerous, is that you know what’s NEXT.

    …see, my job was to let him pass out, place him gently and quickly on the gurney, and then he’d be whisked away through some double doors and that’s where it was supposed to end for me. Back out to await a good report, yes?

    …well, I get these mind movies whether I want them or not based on things I’ve learned over the years, and I knew what was going on as I left.

    -he was an infant.
    -he did not have normal mouth anatomy.
    -a laryngoscope probably could not be used because of those things, so the anesthesiologist put a tube on a stylet (a bent piece of wire that is held to guide the tube manually and give it rigidity for that purpose), then started stabbing blindly at the anterior wall of my infant son’s throat in hopes of threading the needle through his trachea before he developed brain damage from asphyxiation, either because of the anastesia paralyzing his respiratory muscles or because of the tube obstructing his oral cavity.
    -A Bag Valve Mask would then be used to see if they’d tubed his larynx or his esophagus, and if wrong, they’d yank it out and start again, very quickly, maybe forgetting to deflate the cuff before doing so and doing damage on the way out, IF they used a cuffed one.
    -Most infant ET tubes are NOT cuffed, so all sorts of things can leak past depending on the throat anatomy, which I’ve already said, wasn’t normal.
    -We didn’t know his lungs very well, so maybe they’d blow one or both lungs out during the bagging and/or respirator usage if it wasn’t dialed in well.
    -He’d have blood running down the back of his throat from the procedure no matter HOW careful the doctor was, so there’d be puking issues both during and AFTER surgery.
    -He’d never had a general anesthesia at this point, so we didn’t know if he’d EVER wake up.

    …and on, and on, and on.

    …they say cowards die many deaths, but a brave man dies only once.

    But my mind movie showed me a hundred ways I’d end up with a doctor walking into the screaming room with his head down and telling me they did all they could, but…

    …well, God is great and none of those awful things happened, but they all COULD have, and I could NOT leave that in the background.

    And for a doctor with WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more training and experience than I, I would suspect that’s a million times WORSE.

    …and while it’s a doctor’s WIFE here, in my carefree days I was a bit too free telling my then girlfriend horror stories from the street medicine front without a thought that one day she’d be my wife, we’d have a baby, and he’d need surgery, so despite my clamming up NOW, she still remembered some stuff THEN, and again, it’s pretty likely the doctor made that same mistake I did after a long day of tragedy and triumph and TOLD her things…

    …but I was LUCKY. I got to do all this BEFORE the Democrats imagined the FakeFlu. This would be a million times WORSE now, and I’d probably have killed someone, myself, or BOTH if I had to deal with maskholes like SHE has. I don’t like violence but that doesn’t mean I don’t know anything ABOUT it, and I don’t always have an even temper doncha know, ESPECIALLY when it comes to threats to my family…

    …So God Bless this lady, her husband, and her child, they’d have a tough row to hoe even in the BEST of times. And with the stolen election empowring Kamla Harris to force masks on EVERYONE who isn’t a Democrat, they’re going to have “their own” Government stepping in and making things EVER so much WORSE for no reason other than to emphasize that we are all their slaves now, so I pray for them to be able to weather this and give them the fortitude to guide their special child through all HIS challenges as usurpers and pedophiles command that MORE be added every day, and we must SURELY pray that the same people who advocate murdering preborn INFANTS for being “defective” don’t take it into their evil heads that maybe they need to kill the “weaker” children as a mandate of the State as we continue our slide into tyranny and draw ever closer to its always horrorific conclusion…

    …There I go again, worse case, I know. Probably won’t happen.

    …but pray for the children anyway.

    Can’t hurt.

    And as always, first, do no harm…

    God Bless,

  7. Hey everybody! You know who else turned out to be a douche bag?

    MICHAEL REAGAN. Yeah that’s right. He was on Newsmax this morning telling PRESIDENT Trump to not talk about voter fraud this weekend at the rally and solely focus on the two running for Senate! He was saying shit like, “Trump always makes it about himself so I doubt he won’t be able to help himself BLAH BLAH BLAH.” Said it like five times! And he just wants The Donald to accept the results and move on. And he said, “There’s always been voter fraud. We just don’t know how much.” He smugly claimed the top of the Republican ticket failed while everyone else didn’t. What an asshole! The host did refute him saying he could do both.

    Like I say, Our Magnificent Bastard has this God-given gift of exposing all the frauds by his mere presence. And Michael Reagan just outed his soggy RINO ass. Hell. He doesn’t even have Ronald Reagan genes. I used to listen to him a lot on the radio while driving out to visit my cousins. What a shame. And what a turd he turned out to be.

  8. I do not wear it; I am an American. But, Herr Gruesom’s Schutzschaffel I mean LA county deputies stopped me last week and took my name and address. They sent two (2) squad cars! And I was clearly unarmed!

    They for sure now know who I am!
    death before dishonor has been a Clan belief for generations!

  9. Missouri Doctor Says People Who Don’t Mask Are Like ‘Enemy Combatants’

    🖕😀🖕 you very MUCH, 💩head!

    You can take that mask, and jam up your ass sideways! 😎


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