Winston Churchill’s 1932 prescription to drink booze – IOTW Report

Winston Churchill’s 1932 prescription to drink booze

Winston Churchill got a prescription for alcohol in 1932 to get around American Prohibition.

9 Comments on Winston Churchill’s 1932 prescription to drink booze

  1. Winston was a very intelligent man, This is exactly what ANTIfa does..My screen name is from his writings,
    He wanted to extirpate Nazism. [Tear it out by the roots, completely destroy]

  2. Here’s another Churchill item that I understand to be unverified, but it’s too good to ignore.

    At a social gathering, he was confronted by a very proper lady, who said, in a huff, “Sir Winston, you are very, very drunk.”

    To which Sir Winston replied, “Madam, you are very, very ugly, and what’s more, in the morning I shall be sober.”

  3. Reading Churchill’s biography took me many months of an hour or two daily reading. But it was well worth it. Three volumes of about 3,000 total pages by William Manchester with the the last volume written mostly by Paul Reid after Manchester’s death.

    Churchill had some failures in his life but his accomplishments made him a great person of history. To see his funeral in January 1965, link to this, and notice at the end of the film how the dockworkers along the Thames dip their cranes in a mark of utmost respect. Also worth noting is the beautiful hymn based on Holst’s “Planets”. Sir Winston Churchill – Funeral (I Vow To Thee) – The Nation’s Farewell – YouTube. I cry every time I see this clip.


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