CDC to shorten KungFlu quarantine to 10 days, 7 with test – IOTW Report

CDC to shorten KungFlu quarantine to 10 days, 7 with test

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is set to shorten the recommended length of quarantine after exposure to someone positive for COVID-19, as the virus rages across the nation.

According to a senior administration official, the new guidelines, which are set to be released as soon as Tuesday evening, will allow people who have come in contact with someone infected with the virus to resume normal activity after 10 days, or 7 days if they receive a negative test result. more

16 Comments on CDC to shorten KungFlu quarantine to 10 days, 7 with test

  1. Speaking of fitness, I just spotted this headline on Yahoo.

    “Here’s the type and amount of exercise you need, WHO advises”

    What do a bunch of third world goat humpers know about fitness?

  2. When they shorten the quarantine to 0 days, it will be valid. Look behind you! The virus is everywhere.

    And all the testing is nonsense other than to funnel cash to the healthcare system that government trashed.
    Did you have a fake positive or a fake negative?? Symptoms matter.

  3. Okay, let’s translate this. They’re basically now admitting that COVID is just like influenza and cold viruses, namely, most people come down with symptoms within 24-72 hours after exposure. Their original claim about how long you can remain symptomless was BS from the start and meant to scare people – and people still believe that crap to this day.

    And there are two ways you can get COVID: (1) eat it; and (2) breathe it. (ignoring the fingers in the eye or mouth which are essentially the same). Eating it can be way more severe, because, like the Enteroviruses, it survives your alimentary canal and takes up residence in your intestines, spreading via your blood stream thereafter.

    Eating raw supermarket produce? Considering who harvests and processes our food these days, I’ve quit doing that after having viral meningitis several months ago. I get the message: raw food in the store isn’t safe from (a) COVID; (b) Enteroviruses; (c) Salmonella; (d) E-Coli; (f) God knows what else.

  4. …not sure about the “test” thing. Our county health department told my totally asymptomatic wife after her positive test to NOT retest for 3 months because it WOULD be positive, and they told my asymptomatic pastor with a positive and asymptomatic manager with a positive the exact same thing…

  5. People die every day from the myriad of causes, why are you not shut the country down for heart attacks, cancer deaths, parachuting mishaps. Shark attacks. Get rid of the lab rats and get some real doctors in there!

  6. The cops let black and queer thugs riot and loot.

    The cops drag people out of restaurants and throw them in jail for the crime of being in a restaurant when cuomo doesn’t want them there.

    How anyone can support the cops i don’t know. They are nothing but the tyrants little foot soldiers. They are not there to protect you, as anyone above the level of complet dumbass can see.

    Why the hell does anyone on the right support those son of a bitches? Just because the left says defund them?

  7. Okay sports fans, as long as we’re going to be at the CDC website let’s take a look at the number of flu cases for the entire country for this year reported first 47 weeks.

    403 fricking cases of flu for the entire country for the entire year so far?

    Covid cured the flu! ZERO pediatric deaths for the year and I can’t find any numbers of adults dying from the flu.

  8. I’m telling you MJA; if they’re going to start requiring “vaccination documentation”, can an exploding market in forged “Your papers, please” be far behind?
    Have you also noticed how many places don’t take cash anymore?
    Just debit & credit cards.
    They’re really pushing 1984 in one grand slam.

  9. As China-Flu Season 2 kicks in…
    Why isn’t the CDC restarting the ConVid count numbers?

    Currently the CDC and others are still adding to last seasons numbers for some odd reason.

    A decision that is at odds with it own past historical reporting/recording practices.

    The CDC data clearly shows the C-19 behaves much like a Flu virus as far as its Seasonal Infection cycle. A virus gaining ground in the Colder Months and Peaking, then declining as it starts to warmup, then the next season starts. Using CDC’s own flu season narratives, the CDC shows Oct/Nov and runs until April/May then declining infection rates until the coming Fall Season.

    ALL JUST AS THE C-19 has been documented to have done.

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