DOJ Fires Back At News Orgs Claiming Voter Fraud Probes Are Over: That’s Not What AG Barr Said – IOTW Report

DOJ Fires Back At News Orgs Claiming Voter Fraud Probes Are Over: That’s Not What AG Barr Said

Daily Wire: The Department of Justice responded to media organizations who reported on Tuesday that the DOJ had concluded its investigation into allegations of voter fraud and had found no evidence, saying that claim was incorrect.

“Some media outlets have incorrectly reported that the Department has concluded its investigation of election fraud and announced an affirmative finding of no fraud in the election,” a DOJ spokesperson said in a statement. “That is not what the Associated Press reported nor what the Attorney General stated. The Department will continue to receive and vigorously pursue all specific and credible allegations of fraud as expeditiously as possible.”

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27 Comments on DOJ Fires Back At News Orgs Claiming Voter Fraud Probes Are Over: That’s Not What AG Barr Said

  1. ” …. but I sure would like to see something soon.”

    It is either soon, like very soon, or never.

    And even soon is probably already too late to mean anything in the real world.

  2. Bill Barr should receive a LOT of credit for his very complex legal arguments that got the Mueller probe shut down, otherwise it would still be going.
    Barr really did kind of save Trump’s presidency.
    I do wish he were a bit more aggressive afterwards.

  3. Bill Barr had been cashing his paychecks all these years. On the taxpayer. And supposedly working for us. But when we need him most, he sides with those who would be our new dictators. Judas.

  4. Remember waaaayyyy back on November 10th of LAST MONTH when Richard Pilger, then-director of DoJ’s election fraud unit resigned? Don’t feel bad if you forgot. He was a major swamp rat who said he couldn’t, in good conscience, carry out the orders of Barr to investigate voter/election fraud.

    Can’t find a single news item this morning about the fallout of his resignation or how his position was back-filled. Don’t know what to make of it.

  5. He plays too many “politician” games. He wasn’t too bad at the start but the more I see, the less I like.
    Putting “no nuts” hide everything, Durham in the Special Prosecuter slot was one too many for me to stomach.

  6. A lot of these “blockbuster” headlines seem to be bluffs from the media to get tightlipped people to lay down their cards. Or to provoke internecine fighting in the preferred team. Throwing a wet cat on an angry dog.

    I’ve seen this numerous times over the last few years.

  7. He’s an ‘investigator’ – not a ‘prosecutor.’

    And he’s a lousy ‘investigator.’

    President Trump, you HAVE to appoint SWAMP drainers to your Government if you want to drain it.


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