We Need A Little Christmas – IOTW Report

We Need A Little Christmas

Angela Lansbury – We Need A Little Christmas (from the Broadway musical MAME)

5 Comments on We Need A Little Christmas

  1. Please understand that I am not judging anyone who, as I did for decades, participates in this non-scriptural practice, rife with various pagan rites and symbols. I only ask that you seek the Truth of the beginnings of Christ-Mass and weigh these matters against His Word.

    Mixing of anything used in the “worship and service” of other “gods” with the things of YHWH, is wicked (twisting together). How “the reformed church” rejected this catholic created festival, and was even illegal in parts of the US.

    One of the most regrettable affects of this ritual is the setting up of children to believe in this “santa claus” which supposedly has all these “magic powers”, etc… and then a few years later, “oh yeah, ‘he’ is not real”. Really? This is what you want associated with “the reason for the season”?

    YHWH gave mankind the Sabbath and seven “appointed times” with which to tell the story of His eternal plan and for us to celebrate. They are not “Jewish” feasts, they are THE FEASTS of YHWH (Lev 23), for ALL who walk in covenant with Him.

    When a majority of the secular and atheistic world participate in a ritual with which they reject whom it is SUPPOSED to be dedicated to, that should be at least an indicator of something you should investigate.

    May YHWH bless and keep you and yours, always
    Peace be unto you


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