CDC panel sets distribution plan for who will get the COVID-19 vaccine first – IOTW Report

CDC panel sets distribution plan for who will get the COVID-19 vaccine first

Just The News: An advisory panel for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday set out how any COVID-19 vaccine will be distributed.

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to direct that healthcare workers and residents of long-term care facilities will be the first to get the shots in the initial rollout — once federal regulators authorize use of a vaccine. The recommendation must be approved by CDC Director Robert Redfield, but governors will eventually have the final say on who gets the vaccine first. 

But those two top-priority groups total nearly 25 million Americans and are most at risk.

“Protection of healthcare personnel leads to preservation of healthcare capacity, and better health outcomes for all,” said Dr. Kathleen Dooling, medical officer for the Division of Viral Diseases, the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, and the CDC.

“It promotes justice because healthcare personnel put themselves at risk and will be essential to carry out the vaccination program. Vaccinating healthcare personnel also has the potential to mitigate health inequities, because the group includes a broad range of occupations, inclusive of low wage earners and racial and ethnic minority groups,” Dooling also said. read more

23 Comments on CDC panel sets distribution plan for who will get the COVID-19 vaccine first

  1. Sure kill and sicken America’s healthcare workers with a faulty, un-tested vaccine. Why not test it for effect on thousands of non-essential, sits at desk, Federal and State workers. Sure you can trust the government, everything they screw up is spot on!!

  2. …I got a hepatitis innnocuation at the firehouse because I was running Squad and it was kind of an issue in our district.

    That was 25 odd years ago, and my liver enzymes have been fucked up ever since.

    Never got hepatitis though.

    …but that’s probably ore because I used the REAL common sense universal bloodborne pathogen protocols like gloves and treating ALL fluids like they’re contaminated and such instead of any needle.

    As anyone in “health care” SHOULD know.

    …basically, don’t do anything stupid, and you’ll be fine.

    Use your BRAIN.

    And DON’T get a shot that has horrendous side effects for a “disease” that is SO subtle that you don’t even know you “HAVE” it unless someone using a defective and untrustworthy “test” TELLS you that you do…

    …alas, modern “health care” has become SO cowardly and SO much a tool of the State that I fear they will simply accept it, and then actively force it on others, even at the risk to THEMSELVES, because they both lie and have BEEN lied to for so long.

    And so the Democrats have destroyed another institution, Medicine, as though Dr. Mengele on steroids is now driving State controlled health care policy.

    My God, how this once-great Nation has been torn down from within…

  3. I imagine we will be seeing politicians doing photo press stuff that shows them taking the vaccine to prove it is safe and effective and convince the population they should do it too.

    With no way of knowing for certain that what they took was actually the vaccine or not.

    I always let other people beta test software, and I’ll be doing the same for any new and poorly tested vaccine.

    Or I may decide to just not take it at all according to the details of what requirements they will attach to it that really aren’t of a medical nature.

  4. …vaccine non-compliers.

    This year’s selection for the Let’s Persecute Them Like They’re Jews So We Can Get People To Give Us Unlimited Power Over Them award winner, they’ve got camps and everything, you’ll see when they make you pin your stars on…

  5. The DCD has a patent on this virus. Should’t it follow that they have a vaccine patented and ready to go?

    That would, after all, explain how the vaccine was developed in a miraculously short time.


  6. If they make this mandatory for health care workers I have to imagine there are going to be lawsuits and keeping SCOTUS intact is going to be critical. I saw an article that linked to a government RFP in the UK for software to track the deaths and ill effects of Covid vaccines. They admit they won’t have the long term data on if this ‘vaccine’ will create issues long term or even if it will be effective in a year. Then they say you’ll have to maintain social distancing and masks anyway. For a virus I calculated in my county killed .000025% of the population.

  7. To Supernightshade: There is a liver food supplement from Indian ayurvedic medicine called Liv. 52. It is a wonder food supplement for liver issues, especially when enzymes are out of whack. The Himalayan Herbs product is the industry standard and can be bought at most Indian grocery or international grocery stores. There is plenty of research on the web about this product. I would not buy it from amazon unless you can guarantee delivery within a week. I bought some and it was delivered from India two months later. This food supplement saved me from a tremendous hangover after a business dinner with a client who kept filling up my glass of wine without me noticing.

  8. Article at zerohedge says the US gov’t will be sending a card to EVERYBODY that has their vaccination status.

    Yes, now they say a vaccine is not mandatory, but anyone who doesn’t understand that everyone having a card means all kinds of businesses etc will be demanding to see your card in order to partake of their service, etc, is a certified fucking idiot.

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