Horowitz: Republicans have a moral obligation to support the Pennsylvania lawsuit against universal mail-in ballots – IOTW Report

Horowitz: Republicans have a moral obligation to support the Pennsylvania lawsuit against universal mail-in ballots

Will we allow our election system to be upended by a single state supreme court?

Daniel Horowitz|The Blaze:

Will we allow our election system for future elections to be upended by a single state supreme court, which happens to consist of partisan hacks? If the answer is no, then the only option is to fight the open lawlessness in Pennsylvania with every channel and tool of both the judicial and legislative processes.

While there is much focus on allegations of ballot fraud, there is the greatest systemic election fraud in plain sight that has still not gotten its day in the highest court in the land.

The bottom line is that the number of mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania grew from 266,208 just four years ago to 2.6 million in 2020 – all built upon an illegal state supreme court decision and a state omnibus election bill that violated the state’s constitution. As such, millions of ballots, pursuant to state law and the state’s constitution, are invalid, and because they implicate the ultimate federal question regarding the election of the president and vice president, those votes violate federal election law and the U.S. Constitution.

That might be an inconvenient truth and a messy predicament, but ignoring it won’t make the constitutional crisis – along with its accompanying political/electoral fallout – disappear. Questions of standing, judicial remedies, and other technical limitations don’t diminish the broader point that millions of ballots were cast illegally in a process enabled by one of the most partisan state supreme courts in the country. Furthermore, hoping to fight this out “the next time” in court, in legislatures, or at the ballot box misses the point that there won’t be another time because Democrats would have already successfully established the precedent that they can unilaterally alter the rules of an election midway through it. READ MORE

8 Comments on Horowitz: Republicans have a moral obligation to support the Pennsylvania lawsuit against universal mail-in ballots

  1. I wrote to my Senators asking them to stand up and be counted among those defending fair elections. One Senator replied that she fully supported Trump’s right to pursue challenges to the outcome. So, in other words, “You’re on your own Mr President. But thanks for getting me reelected”.

  2. What can be done other than writing letters and going to rallies and meetings? We can’t require SCOTUS to hear the case, and even if we could, we can’t make them rule correctly.

    Dred Scott was an awful ruling, but it stood for a long time.

  3. Dude, these Republicans don’t even fight for self preservation. They must realize that this is the culmination of the Democrat vs Republican fight that has continued since the civil war. If the Democrats succeed in this fraud it will end the Republican party. Through illegal immigration and open fraud, Republicans will be slowly pushed out until they never hold house, senate, or presidential office again.
    On the other hand, if Republicans fight and prove the Democrats committed treason, AND PROSECUTE THEM that would essentially end the Democrat party for a generation at least. (You can’t destroy evil)

  4. @m.

    Absolutely right. Any moral person of any political leaning should want to know what happened in this election. Of course moral people among progressives are as scarce as hen’s teeth in Singapore chicken.


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