Obama, Bush, Clinton to publicly get coronavirus vaccine shot to quell public’s safety concerns – IOTW Report

Obama, Bush, Clinton to publicly get coronavirus vaccine shot to quell public’s safety concerns

JTN: Amid public skepticism about the safety of the quickly-made coronavirus vaccines, former Presidents Obama, George W. Bush and Clinton have vowed to receive the vaccine publicly, once approved by the FDA. 

The goal is to promote confidence in the safeness of the vaccine, and the former presidents believe showing the public they will get the shot, or oral dose, with proof will help convince others to take it.

Recently, Bush reached out to Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx, members of the White House coronavirus task force, asking what he could do to help promote the vaccine, according to Bush Chief of Staff Freddy Ford.

“A few weeks ago President Bush asked me to let Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx know that, when the time is right, he wants to do what he can to help encourage his fellow citizens to get vaccinated,” Ford told CNN. “First, the vaccines need to be deemed safe and administered to the priority populations. Then, President Bush will get in line for his, and will gladly do so on camera.”

Clinton’s press secretary also says he is willing to take the vaccine in public to help encourage the vaccination. more


Vaccination cards to be given to all who get vaccine to keep track of dosage

42 Comments on Obama, Bush, Clinton to publicly get coronavirus vaccine shot to quell public’s safety concerns

  1. …and you can ABSOLUTELY believe THESE guys when they tell you that YOU are getting the EXACT SAME THING that THEY are getting because THEY would NEVER lie about anything…/s

  2. I seem to me I remember somebody putting up a reward for any doctor that would take all the Mercury, (a preservative) combined in the different vaccines at one time and there were no takers.

  3. Wtf did Obama say he doesn’t trust trump so he would only get 1 if fauchi got 1 i work nih and I know everybody’s best was on this. Sometimes you trust science Sometimes they make it politics this is not that. Trump allowed the smartest minds in the world to use fed facilities and make this happen, period!

  4. Hey Uncle Al,
    other than being untrustworthy (and generally unworthy), what do those 3 ex-Preznits have in common?

    Three successive Presidents who never served active duty military. And the POSs all sent our soldiers to BS wars that were pointless.

  5. And now they are showing us the Covid CDC ID cards we will get for our wallets. Of course to remind us of that 2nd (3rd, 4th, 5th..) dose and to show to any authority on demand. These lunatics can’t stand the idea of ID for voting but everyone must have a Covid ID. Time to say enough is enough. These people are nuts.

  6. Yeah sure, next you’ll be telling me that I have the same healthcare coverage that they have. You’re funny.

    Although, this could be a dry run for the lethal injection they all deserve.

  7. Biden should get one too so that when he wanders off the Nano tech can help his handlers locate him.
    Actually, with the right software, the tech could also warn little girls that there is a groper within 100feet.

  8. I would prefer the hydroxychloroquine (or however you spell it) as opposed to the vaccine. If you believe the propaganda, the tablet will kill you. I prefer the tablet, thank you very much. By the way, did anyone read Stephen King’s “The Cell” from years ago? (Eerily familiar to what this nanotechnology is up to.)

  9. Publicly get every member of congress and the entire biden administration get it live, on tv, with independent verified vaccine dosages, independent meaning someone not affiliated with the manufacturer, the government, or any political campaign. Once they get it and survive a year without any effects then I’ll consider thinking about getting it though will likely pass on it.

  10. Erik DECEMBER 3, 2020 AT 8:26 PM

    The volunteer in the covid vaccine trial was in a control group and didn’t receive the vaccine.

    Just shows you how deadly it is. Just need to be near it.

  11. Erik DECEMBER 3, 2020 AT 8:26 PM

    The volunteer in the covid vaccine trial was in a control group and didn’t receive the vaccine.

    That’s their story and they’re sticking to it!


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