McEnany to press: If you can loot businesses, burn down buildings, engage in protest—you can also go to a Christmas party – IOTW Report

McEnany to press: If you can loot businesses, burn down buildings, engage in protest—you can also go to a Christmas party

P M L: At a press conference at the White House on Wednesday, Kayleigh McEnany addressed press concerns about White House Christmas parties by saying “If you can loot businesses, burn down buildings, engage in protest—you can also go to a Christmas party.”

A reporter asked “The CDC director today said that the next few months would be among the worst public health months in American history. I wondered does the White House, is it setting a good example for the public for the White House to be holding in-person holiday parties at a time when the CDC and other organizations are asking Americans to forego those kinds of celebrations for their own safety?” more

6 Comments on McEnany to press: If you can loot businesses, burn down buildings, engage in protest—you can also go to a Christmas party

  1. A friend put it this way today:

    The current quoted death rate (WSJ 0.6%) is 3-4 times the death rate of influenza. This is a problem because, unlike Ebola, the living can spread the disease. (Ebola dies out quickly because the infected die too quick to spread it.)
    Having said that, the problem, IMO, is not whether this is a pandemic but whether the costs of shutting down the economy is worth the infection and lives lost. That discussion has not taken place in public view. If a politician described the infection/death rate, described the economic costs and then said, “We believe that it is worth the economic toll to save these lives,” I may disagree but would respect the decision. Instead, these decisions are made in private and we are presented with edicts.

  2. It was fun to watch Sarah slap the press around, but she would get visibly irritated by them. Kayleigh just gracefully, calmy and effortlessly bitch-slaps them. That’s just pure talent.


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