Maybe President Trump Should Pardon His Enemies – IOTW Report

Maybe President Trump Should Pardon His Enemies


In the months leading up to the election, I was among the many conservatives who held out hope that federal prosecutor John Durham would get some indictments or at least release a report detailing the abuses of power the Obama administration and a cabal of deep-staters perpetrated against the Trump campaign and administration. It was not to be, for whatever reason. Since it’s unlikely to ever bring about any semblance of justice, President Trump should avail himself of all tools at his disposal to dispense as close to justice as we can get.

You’d think an investigation over the course of almost two years would be able to come to some kind of conclusion, one way or the other, but that seems less likely now. Maybe Durham found nothing, or maybe he’s faced obstruction; without indictments or at least a report, we’ll likely never know what was found.

But we do know what these people did. We know the Obama administration authorized spying on the Trump campaign and transition, we know the FBI lied to the FISA Court in order to legalize that spying. We know evidence contradicting liberal’s claims was withheld from the court in order to keep those FISA warrants going. And, even though they claim they had no idea they were signing off on warrants with incomplete and false information in them, these people are, or at least were supposed to be, responsible for the information in them.

The whole affair was either one of malice or gross incompetence, with either option irrelevant to the illegality of the action itself. It doesn’t matter if you broke the law deliberately or because you’re too stupid or lazy to notice, you broke the law. read more

14 Comments on Maybe President Trump Should Pardon His Enemies

  1. Cheesy but I kinda like it. Hunter has pretty much nailed what I believe the outcome will be, that is, these scum are not only gonna escape any semblance of justice but they’re banking.

    Fucking Obama, Weissman and Brennan are especially odious. Sickening that this is what we’ve vomited into positions of power.

    So yeah, so I’d pay a dollar to see Mr Thin Skin’s reaction to a pardon.

  2. No pardons, that would be a sign of defeat, there is no defeat only winning, if you haven’t learned that from these last 4 years with, arguably, the best president this country has ever seen, then you have either not been paying attention or you, are a defeatist by nature. NO PARDONS !!!

  3. Our country is not our country anymore. It belongs to a Mafia of swamp/left/islamic/chicomm partners. If biden and that slut harris are allowed into office, game is on: we have an embezzler and two traitors hijacking our government. It won’t stand.

  4. There is no education in for others if there’s no threat or fear of punishment. Its not like these folks were j walking, people have, over the years, given their lives for America to be free, and I will not forget the price they paid for me and my family. Maybe you can!

  5. I’m guessing Derek Hunter didn’t vote for Trump in 2016, and it took him a long time to realize what we all knew was a soft coup by inauguration day. Not blaming him, because many people were oblivious, but maybe he should sit this one out. This clever little “pardons for traitors” trick sounds about like what I’d expect from Trump squishes. Hard pass.

  6. Yeah it’s squishy but OTOH with inconvertible proof that Lois Lerner(for example) targeted conservatives, what was her punishment? Oh yeah, retirement with a 6 figure pension. That was over 8 years ago.

    If you’re cool with this current batch of scum skating, then a pardon is out of the question. The phrase when hell freezes over comes to mind when thinking about any possible punishment.

    Hell the one low level FBI guy that did get nailed lying about a FISA warrant is now in court pleading mercy for his whopping punishment. 6 months, yeah 6 months for sedition and 50! of his closest buds swear he’s a good man.

  7. “If you’re cool with this current batch of scum skating, then a pardon is out of the question.”

    Not following your logic. I’m definitely not cool with anybody skating, and a pardon is out of the question. It’s passive-aggressive, bitchy symbolism over substance, signifying nothing but a punch line for a late night TV clown show.

  8. “The whole affair was either one of malice or gross incompetence”

    Why can’t it be both? Bad people can also be bumblers and fuck ups.

    This whole pardon idea is stupid and detracts from the Durham betrayal.

    You would be hard pressed to find an ancillary player who contributed more to Biden’s win than Durham. He was our silver bullet that was going to expose Biden’s role in railroading Flynn and the family’s business corruption.

    Liz Wheeler pretty much nailed it, as usual;

  9. I would imagine clinesmith would or was singing like a canary to stay out of jail. But even if he did give them 0bama, comey, hillary, would the current DOJ do anything about it? The fact that they only want to put the guy who used whiteout on a form in jail, instead of the guy who told him to do it is retarded, sir.

  10. No Pardons!!
    These scum are going to find out that the country is going to be impossible to run with {at least} half the people seriously doubting and objecting to it’s legitimacy.
    I’d rather see the government completely collapse than endure living under this sham.

  11. To paraphrase (or quote) an unindicted career criminal, ‘what difference, at this point, does it make?’. The ship has sailed, the tide never turned, we saw a false dawn and cheered it rightly, but wrongly.

    Without enormous correction the republic is no longer. Trump raised our issue, that’s how he got elected in ‘16, surprising the enemy. They were ready this time, ready and more. The summer rioting was a warning to the courts and legislatures of what will come of overturning the obvious and massive fraud in this election. The massive and obvious fraud is meant to shame all of we who will not drop our tools and take up means to reject the outcome of the fraud. Democrats always cheat, it’s the only way they can win. This fraud is deliberately massively obnoxious on purpose. If we meekly accept this, the enemy can be sure we will accept anything it does.


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