GOP Sens. Introduce Bill to Criminalize Doxing Govt., Law Enforcement Officials – IOTW Report

GOP Sens. Introduce Bill to Criminalize Doxing Govt., Law Enforcement Officials

‘No public servant should be endangered or subject to harassment for doing their job…’

Well that’s nice. What about the rest of us?

15 Comments on GOP Sens. Introduce Bill to Criminalize Doxing Govt., Law Enforcement Officials

  1. No exposing or the secret police, enforcers and informers.

    Seems like a preparation for something they are anticipating, IMO, and probably in favor of the deep state over the people.

  2. I despise all ‘special interest’ laws because they create an incentive to identify with a group for grievance purposes. Even laws increasing sentences for attacks on law enforcement, but particularly ‘hate crimes’. They should all be removed from the books, with only laws covering everyone allowed.
    Oh, and particularly Title II of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The one used against bakers refusing to bake cakes with messages supporting things they don’t believe in (as long as it’s the conservative view).

  3. I don’t think the Founding Fathers meant for Congress to be working all year long, every dang year.
    We already have so many laws that I’m sure I am in violation when I got up this morning.
    Our Maker thought that 10 laws should cover almost everything, and he/she was right – of course.

  4. How Typical these arrogant, traitor republicans pass laws to protect their own worthless asses never mind fighting with President Trump against the stolen election coup.

  5. “No public servant should be endangered or subject to harassment for doing their job…” What about all the sexual harassment you creeps did and covered up and then paid off the victims with taxpayers money. This Kings & Queens need to be hanged,drawn & quartered.

  6. You whiners are jerks! When I worked for Law Enforcement, I put multiple murderers and violent perpetrators, including one serial killer behind bars. Then I testified against them in court, where I was required to tell my full name and area of residence, while each one of those animals sat only feet away from me, taking notes for when they get out on parole, thanks to our weak legal system. I deserve more anonymity than you do. My life is in actual danger for protecting you ingrates.

  7. What about the witnesses that are being threatened, doxxed and in one case beat so badly they are in the ICU? What about all of us that donated to POTUS that are being doxxed and targeted by leftists?

  8. @srdem65

    Who knew that bloviating to the press, lunching with lobbyists, filling their pockets with bribes and selling influence qualified as work? Nice job if you can get it.

    The US has more lawyers per capita than anywhere else in the world. Congress has a greater percentage of lawyers than anywhere else in the country. Congress needs to continually enact new laws to keep lawyers not in Congress busy because what does an unemployed lawyer do? He runs for Congress.

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