CNN Tapes – IOTW Report

CNN Tapes

CNN Execs Protect Biden By Dismissing And Refusing To Pursue Pedophilia Allegations.


CNN Exec: United States would be better off if it were run by the NFL.


CNN’s Jeff Zucker BLASTS Rudy Guiliani As “Useful Idiot” In 9AM Call With Senior Leadership At CNN.

6 Comments on CNN Tapes

  1. I am absolutely ERECT with fear right now. I’ve been contacted by Project Veritas’s very own James O’Keefe and tonight he drops the tapes of one of his associates secretly recording my Petey B riding my unbleached elastic starfish!

  2. Starfish, once again I had to give you a thumbs up. As always, instead of being repulsed by the sordid shit going on with the election, I leave the comment section with an un-unseeable image of you and Mayor Pete out plowing the back 40. (I know it’s a double negative, but how else to describe it?)

  3. @Chasten

    I think that had you lived during the Roman Empire, your name as a young man would have been Titus Assium, but fairly early in your career your name would be changed to Lucius Assium.

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