‘They hate him’: Tucker Carlson plays montage of Biden picks criticizing and mocking him – IOTW Report

‘They hate him’: Tucker Carlson plays montage of Biden picks criticizing and mocking him

Washington Examiner: Several of President-elect Joe Biden’s picks for administration roles have a history of criticizing their new boss.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson aired a montage of clips featuring top hires in the Biden-Harris White House, beginning with a 2019 video clip of incoming White House press secretary Jen Psaki, who appeared to mock Biden’s gaffes openly.

“Last year, interestingly, Jen Psaki wasn’t on Team Biden at all,” Carlson said before playing a clip of Biden answering a question about HIV rates among black Americans during a presidential town hall in October 2019. In the clip, Biden said, “Back 15 to 20 years, we talked about this, and San Francisco was all about gay bathhouses. It’s all about round-the-clock sex. Come on, man!”

Carlson then played a clip of Psaki poking fun at Biden, who she said was appealing because “he says things your uncle says” while a female colleague hung her head to hide laughter.

“There have been a number of moments where even those of us who have affection for Vice President Biden think, ‘What on the Earth is happening now?'” Psaki said. more

8 Comments on ‘They hate him’: Tucker Carlson plays montage of Biden picks criticizing and mocking him

  1. It’s going to be a real-life game of “Clue” in the White House if Joe survives and gets installed. I think his naked body will be found below the balcony one night, but they’ll drag him up to the shower and blame the dog and a rug because it already worked and they just don’t care.

  2. This whole thing is the biggest sham in American history.
    Why are we even entertaining this nonsense of Biden’s picks?
    Journalism is dead.
    We now have to go online and search and dig to get the truth.
    Screw Fox.

  3. They are NOT Biden’s picks….they are being chosen by the Crime Cabal known as the DNC. He has had NOTHING to do with all the preps being made by the American Communist Party. He could actually make a realistic ” I didn’t know” defense at a trial for sedition and treason.


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