Georgia Election Officials Contradict Each Other and Poll Watchers in The Official Response on ‘Smoking Gun’ Video – IOTW Report

Georgia Election Officials Contradict Each Other and Poll Watchers in The Official Response on ‘Smoking Gun’ Video


We reported last night on a video that many were calling a “smoking gun” video.

The video allegedly showing the poll watchers being told to leave that counting was going to stop, and then election officials continuing to count and pulled out big boxes/cases of ballots from under a desk.

Even Georgia Governor Brian Kemp was bothered by the video and called for answers as well as repeating his call for an audit of signatures on the ballots.

As we reported earlier, officials have now responded to the concerns over the video, claiming that there was nothing untoward going on in the video. Election officials claim that the poll watchers were not told they had to leave and a senior source in Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office said that there was a monitor from their office there the whole time.

Except there are a few problems with that story.

First, the poll watchers who said they were told to leave gave sworn affidavits under penalty of perjury that they had been told to leave according to the Trump campaign team. Also why would they leave otherwise when it was their job to monitor the counting? The only reason they would have left is because they believed, based on what they were told, that the counting had stopped. Yet it had not stopped, it continued. read more

11 Comments on Georgia Election Officials Contradict Each Other and Poll Watchers in The Official Response on ‘Smoking Gun’ Video

  1. “Also why would they leave otherwise when it was their job to monitor the counting?”

    Why would they leave with the people they were supposed to be watching behind them.

    Not no how, not no way. “You first, then we’ll lock up.”

    Idiots, cowards, morons.

  2. Hmmm. Fake Water main break, and it’s my understanding it’s illegal for them to count votes with out monitors. You can only lie so much before you paint your ass into a corner. And I think they are there.

  3. I’ll repeat my comment from another thread:

    One of Kelly Loeffler’s staffers, Harrison Deal, was killed in a car accident today. Big fireball, three cars, a la Michael Hastings. Deal was dating Governor Kemp’s daughter.

    They’re playing for keeps, and they really, really want the Senate. Not looking good here.

  4. “Why would they leave with the people they were supposed to be watching behind them.

    Not no how, not no way. “You first, then we’ll lock up.”

    Lowell, it’s quite possible these people were threatened and intimidated by law enforcement such as the Fulton County Sheriff’s Dept., a notoriously corrupt and patronage-ridden organization. I’d bexwilling to bet on it.

  5. Some ‘reporter’ in GA brought in an election official and showed parts of the video and he was all, “They’re not suitcases’. Mocking.

    And then he said,”here is the table being brought in’ (Giuliani’s witness said the same thing about it being brought in, but the reporter claimed she was a liar) and he said look, everyone saw the ballots under the table, etc.
    And the official was nodding her head. *eye roll*
    Well, the reporter didn’t show that anyone saw them (media, watchers) bring
    in the table and the ballots. They only did a close up of ONE frame. It was complete bullshit. The reporter or the official didn’t even say that the
    watchers were told to leave. He said they were still there. It was all horseshit.

    He said he looked at ‘hours’ of film. Well the witness at the hearing said there were 14 hours. Did the reporter even bother to look at all 14 hours?

    And then the dumbass conservative on the short attention span Studio6B show said, “well, there you go. That’s it. I guess we were just hoping we saw what we saw.”
    WTF??? A close up of ONE frame was shown instead of all 4 cameras and he just ‘believes’ the reporter and shrugs? And no mention of the fact that the watchers were told to leave and they were still shoving ballots into the machines. LOL. Have mercy.
    I don’t know why I clicked on that show tonight. lol

  6. Classic example right here how you can get your ass handed to you if you trust what you read:

    “Even Georgia Governor Brian Kemp was bothered by the video and called for answers as well as repeating his call for an audit of signatures on the ballots.”

    The audit would be of signatures on the APPLICATIONS, NOT THE FUCKING BALLOTS. Geeze this shit gets old.

  7. Nothing I have seen, nothing I have heard makes me think the democrats are going to be held to account.

    They’re going to win.

    Restitution for these acts will have to come from another quarter. One Americans are totally unaccustomed to. One the third world is all to accustomed to.

  8. WTF ?? good catch.
    Honestly, I’m about to tune out of all this shit and just go to the hearings themselves or when the lawyers are present on a talk show and not bother with the fucking ‘explanations’ articles anymore.

  9. @WTF??

    Has Governor Kemp rescinded his call for a signature audit yet? Because he is going to do that, if he hasn’t already. Guaranteed. And I am hearing that the governor can’t make the SOS start the audit or make the legislature call a special session. It’s amazing how little power these giants of government have when they don’t want it. But man, can they dish out those lockdowns and mandates.

  10. The vote re-counting in GA is a waist of time. The ballot box has been stuffed and any results cannot be certified as accurate. The ballot box did not work because they cheated. The next box to use is the ammo box.


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