Oregon: $145,000 tax dollars to Portland rioters food fund – IOTW Report

Oregon: $145,000 tax dollars to Portland rioters food fund

Taxpayers Association of Oregon

Victoria Taft at PJ Media broke the story that $145,000 of COVID-19 relief funds went to Portland SNACK BLOC which provides resources to rioters during a riot.

The Willamette Week describes them, “Snack Bloc has been at seemingly every protest, march and vigil around the city over the past three months, providing snacks, water and supplies to protesters…”

For instance, they helped promote and provide resources for the 100th night protest which was an attempt to over-run the local Portland East Precinct neighborhood police station (which rioters had come close to setting it afire).  Rioters threw Molotov cocktails at police within minutes of starting the march. When police pushed back, rioters immediately began dragging things out from local businesses parking lots to start a massive street fire to block police and traffic.  Everything about this event was not about peaceful protesting but about illegal criminal acts that put people’s lives in danger. I know, I was there observing that night.  I saw with my own eyes businesses being vandalized and people brought to panic tears because they drove down the wrong road and found themselves trapped in the riot.  This is the sort of extreme violent activity that Snack Bloc promotes and supports by handing out snacks and supplies. read more

6 Comments on Oregon: $145,000 tax dollars to Portland rioters food fund

  1. PORTLAND Where LIBERAL /PROGRESSIVE cops effectively helped BLM/ANTIFA assassinate a Don man several months ago. It was feds NOT LIBERAL COPS who got the assassin 3 days later!
    Liberal/progressive cops are everywhere.
    Last month liberal cops in DC helped BLM attack dozens of Americans in the MAGA March.
    I have seen over 12 vids of the liberal DC cops helping BLM attack! 1 vid may be fabricated; but 12; not likely!

    As ANONY states in #1 we get what we want. Folk in Portland and DC want Americans maimed or dead. And will spend tax $ to kill/maim us!

    Not to leave out my state. Folk at Cal pid $ to hurt Americans 60 yers ago, and are so doing as I type.

    Liberal/progressive cops have been a real problem in America at least since 1950! Because liberal taxpayers fund them.

  2. The left is smart – smarter than the GOP, and apparently smarter than us (we’ve been electing and reelecting these GOP rats for decades).

    Get with it, guys. Our country is about to be taken over by a foreign power by way of a faked election.


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