Former Dem Congressman proposes $1,500 stimulus check as incentive to get KungFlu vaccine – IOTW Report

Former Dem Congressman proposes $1,500 stimulus check as incentive to get KungFlu vaccine

Just The News:

A former Democratic Congressman has proposed the idea of paying Americans $1,500 to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. 

Entrepreneur and politician John Delaney is a former U.S. representative from Maryland who also ran for president in the 2020 election before dropping out in January. Delaney told CNBC in an interview that 75% of the country needs to be vaccinated fast, and to do so, a financial incentive may help.

“We have to create, in my judgment, an incentive for people to really accelerate their thinking about taking the vaccine,” he said. “If you’re still afraid of the vaccine and don’t want to take it, that’s your right.”

The idea, which could be claimed as a way to save the U.S. economy at the same time as saving lives with the vaccine, would cost the government about $380 billion, much more than the $270 billion first round of stimulus checks. more

29 Comments on Former Dem Congressman proposes $1,500 stimulus check as incentive to get KungFlu vaccine

  1. Get your calculator out and multiply that by 300 million, a very conservative number of people in this country. We don’t have that money but if you need to create incentive you have no DEMAND.

  2. WOW, what a giant red flag.

    You are willing to pay US a hansom fee to accept a vaccination that YOU insist is really good for us???

    I might have been born at night but it wasn’t LAST night.

  3. The CCP plague vaccine is a new class of vaccine. That means there is no knowledge about long term safety, because nothing like it has ever been used before.

    $1,500 to be your expendable lab rat?


    I wouldn’t give it to Biden’s dog. I like dogs.

  4. …and you can pay it back with increased taxes for the rest of your, and your grandchildren’s, lives.
    Where do people think the money comes from?
    Meanwhile, all those that are invested in big pharma will fill their pockets.
    create problem
    create solution for problem

  5. You couldn’t bribe me with $1500 to take that “vaccine”.
    I might be willing (might) if I knew (KNEW, VERIFIED) that every Kongress Kritter had taken this new “vaccine” . Then I wait a year.

  6. @billyhall2006:

    create problem
    create solution for problem

    No, no, no! No solution! No solution!

    Solution ends funding. Here’s the ideal deal:

    create problem
    create working group(s) to study problem
    create govt program(s) to manage problem
    create public/private program(s) to manage problem

    If, heaven forbid, the problem should disappear despite all efforts to nurture it, then all of the groups, panels, and programs will be re-purposed, thus “saving taxpayer dollars”.

  7. Dogs have been vaccinated for some form of corona virus for years. I will not take it. Period. Not because I think it’s the mark of the beast, but because I know what these people are up to and there is no way in hades that it’s safe. I got a flu shot a couple of times decades ago and both times I got really sick. Haven’t had one since, and guess what, no flu. I can’t even remember the last time I had a cold.

  8. P S had 4-6 inches of Climate Change last night here in Eastern Conn. It’s below 32 degrees so now all the mask wearin idiots can see the carbon dioxide and water vapor they are exhaling while feeling safe in the knowledge that their cotton muzzle is trapping the much smaller Wuhan virus particles.

  9. I don’t need the money, and if I did need it, it may never be given to me. I know people who are still waiting for the first stimulus check. All the nonworkers, freeloaders, homeless who contribute nothing to the system, they only take, will line up along with a bunch of illegals. This is one big ass bad idea. It will break the system. My answer is NO!!!

  10. Jude Bentley December 6, 2020 at 8:39 am

    Start earning today from $600 to $754 easily by working online from home.

    Heh Jude, why not get your butt in line for a vaccine and earn twice your amount in 3 seconds. Sounds like a deal to me Jude. You won’t ever have to bullshit your way around the net with your get rick quick schemes again…..unless you’re greedy. Most freeloaders are just that – greedy.

  11. “If you’re still afraid of the vaccine and don’t want to take it, that’s your right.”

    And if you have objections other than fear, such as religious, to taking it is that also your right?

  12. “Being as how they can just print money, why do they think they need our tax money?”

    It isn’t just printed as such, it is borrowed into existence where it goes into circulation and becomes an overall part of the total money supply.

    Our taxes are used to pay off the debt that was created which removes it from circulation and effectively reduces the overall money supply so that continuous inflation doesn’t occurs each time more is borrowed into existence.

    Ideally this process of borrowing and removing money can be controlled so that there remains a constant per capita ration of money to population based on overall per capita production of real goods and services and no inflation happens.

    But that would be a mathematical formula without political adjustments being done for political purposes.

    Which means we have either inflation or deflation of the money supply based solely on the political motives that ignore the overall monetary health in favor of political advantage of whomever is calling the shots at the time.

    This makes it doomed to a total failure at some point, the time it takes to reach that point is dependent on too many interacting factors to predict exactly when it will happen and keeps the process active till it does.


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