Let’s Play A Game – IOTW Report

Let’s Play A Game

You just might be a Democrat if… (with apologies to Jeff Foxworthy)

American Thinker:

By Eric Utter

If you believe it’s okay to kill your own baby in your womb but that hunting should be banned, you just might be a Democrat.

If you think invasive species are an existential threat to the United States but illegal aliens always enrich us with their presence, you just might be a Democrat.

If you think smoking cigarettes should be banned but smoking marijuana should be legalized, you just might be a Democrat.

If you think the song “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” should be kept off the airwaves yet happily sing along to Cardi B’s “WAP” (Wet A– P—-), you just might be a Democrat.

There’s more

47 Comments on Let’s Play A Game

  1. If you shut down your state’s economy and legislate that citizens be prisoners in their home, while you yourself are enjoying a yacht vacation or dinners out with your friends – you might be a democrap.

  2. If you move to Florida because in the state where you came from the cities have become shit-holes, the roads are full of pot-holes, the homeless camps smell like butt-holes, and govt employees’ pensions have become money-holes, and then in Florida you keep voting the same way you did before…you just might be a Democrat.

  3. If you come to my church Christmas bake sale five minutes after it closes and gripe and curse because we’re out of cabbage perogies I don’t know what you are but bless your heart.

  4. If you demand everyone not enjoy the great outdoors and then have your soy boi “husband” try to jump the line to get your boat in the water…you just might be a worthless waste of skin aka DemonRat.

  5. If you destroy the Senior year for every High schooler in the state, but open the section of the state where you plan to have your daughters grad party…
    You are a no good, worthless, hypocritical, b***h Democrat.

  6. My family has been up and we’ve been down but….my family has never been ‘up’ with a democrat in the WH.

    I, of course, am referring to finances…..fortunately, we create our own happiness, which the dems fail to accomplish for anyone.

    In fact, their idea of happiness is selfish, short-lived and pretentious.

    If you instill depression on others….and you can still sleep at night….You are certainly a POS democrat.

  7. There is definitely a pattern here in these comments. Well deserved, I might add.
    Hypocrisy, control, power, lying, cheating, self-(fill in the blank), and on and on, democrat is thy mantle.

  8. If you political opinion comes from MSM, Colbert, Kimmel, Noah,………

    If the only defense up have for your political views is “TRUMP IS SO BAD”.

    Not only are you a democrat – your stupid.

  9. If you’re 30 years old, live with your parents, and complain how life isn’t fair, when asked to pay for internet.

    Can’t find a job with your BA in Liberal Arts, Czechoslovakian History, which your still paying for.

  10. If you’re not troubled by trying to prolong your life by using products and treatments gained by the taking of another’s life then you are a evil democrat.


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