Trump holds victory rally in Valdosta, Georgia – IOTW Report

Trump holds victory rally in Valdosta, Georgia

LIVE: Trump holds victory rally in Valdosta, Georgia (Dec. 5)
NTD has the feed

32 Comments on Trump holds victory rally in Valdosta, Georgia

  1. “Hold the line.” We cannot start sounding like we are giving up and there’s nothing to be done. That’s what the left wants. Keep insisting on the truth and accountability.

  2. Brad, that’s in Olympia, 45 minutes away from me. I hadn’t even heard there would be a rally today. I loved seeing that girl holding the guy down and raining punches down on him.

  3. The patriots have been at Spiffy’s all week and were ready to rumble. A lot of these guys from Lewis county work in the woods and have what it takes to flat out fuck your whole day up for you.

  4. We love you President Trump, don’t lose faith, we are praying that the Lord is exposing all the corruption, and you officially win your rightfully earned second term. MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  5. I love the FIGHT FOR TRUMP chant while the two RINOs get to come up and act like they are not stabbing Trump in the back. There should be no confusion, this is Trump’s party. We support POTUS, start to stand up for what is RIGHT and fight for election integrity. And I never want to hear another word about Trump not being respectable. This man is puts the country first and if he offends some while doing it so be it.

  6. Trump executed tonight. Again. They say he feeds off the crowds energy. I hoping he’s super jacked tonight and tomorrow calls the Military in. Time to end this shit Mr President. The Republic is at stake

  7. Those supposedly on our side sure are suddenly wanting to trash Lin Wood and Sydney Powell. Being as how I was raised a democrat, who realized one day democrats aren’t for the working man and are nothing more than a bunch of baby killers and communists and switched my registration to Republican and realized hell half of them are commies, half are wusses and all of them are only in it for themselves, just slightly less commie than democrats, I get what Lin Wood is saying.
    Why should I vote for them? Why should I vote at all if they can just steal my vote?

    That’s what the idiots don’t get we’re sick of if you don’t vote for us then it will be worse, yep it will be worse, but it’s now at the point, vote for us and we will slowly stab you to death, vote for them and they’ll slit your throat and kill you quick.
    Nobody will ever convince me again that the Republicans aren’t just as neck deep in stealing elections as democrats are.
    Just look at how many won’t open their mouths or those who do only to tell us we must trust our democratic system, we must have faith in our elections and Trump needs to just stop making us not trust it.
    Just look at Lee’s foreign worker bullshit passing with unanimous consent.

    If I was in Georgia and it looks like Trump won’t be President because they allowed them to steal the election and neither of these two did a thing about it as they’re doing, I wouldn’t vote for either of them.

  8. I love how POTUS said please don’t listen to my friends and vote for these two. He doesn’t dunk on his ardent supporters and look if he gets his second term we need the senate. And we still need it to make sure they don’t transform the USA. But if Trump is out we need a new party, we have ONE party right now and we need to at least pretend we don’t get that until the time is right. Either way this is the last time we vote for these scumbags, time for MAGA to take over.

  9. Best tv in ages.
    The crowd was rowdy and loud.
    I love that he played the Stinchfield video explaining the election theft. Newsmax ratings are going to explode.
    OAN is going to get tons more viewers.
    What a great slap down of fake news networks.

    That video of antifa getting a whooping is awesome!
    Patriot women are tougher than those soy eating wusses.
    The woman sitting on the ground punching the soy swat boy is hilarious!
    It cracks me up they go dressed like swat in all black with helmets and the t shirt wearing patriots with no helmets chase them off so quick.


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