Omar Husband’s Firm Received Half Million in COVID Bailouts – IOTW Report

Omar Husband’s Firm Received Half Million in COVID Bailouts


A political consulting firm co-owned by Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D., Minn.) husband, Tim Mynett, received more than half-a-million dollars in pandemic bailout cash—even as it was raking in millions from Omar’s campaign.

The E Street Group, a D.C.-based company run by Mynett and Will Hailer, received $134,800 in Paycheck Protection Program loans and $500,000 in Economic Injury Disaster loans, new data show. Both funds were established to help small businesses cope with the economic downturn caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Mynett’s firm, whose LinkedIn page says it has between 11 and 50 employees, received the aid as it was being showered with cash from Omar’s campaign. Throughout the 2020 election cycle, Omar’s campaign steered nearly $3 million to the E Street Group to cover advertisements, consulting, travel expenses, and production costs. It was by far the campaign’s largest vendor. read more

14 Comments on Omar Husband’s Firm Received Half Million in COVID Bailouts

  1. Ilhan Omar Elmi was heard to say, “There’s nothing wrong with nepotism as long as you keep it in the family.
    And there’s nothing wrong with graft as long as you take the money from fools who just hand it to you.”

  2. If the FBI and DOJ won’t arrest these criminal fraudsters, then dammit let’s do their job for them and start citizen arresting these assholes.

    No more protective status for the politicians they work for us.

  3. OMG!!! He was still working! He and his staff were getting MONEY from his wife.

    This all reminds me of the story I heard about an HOA who was still getting the fees from all the home owners, although NONE of the services were open due to COVID. So, no workout room, no indoor pool, etc, etc… i guess they applied for PPP funds and got close to 600K!! WHY? The home owners didn’t get a reprieve from their monthly dues so their budgeted employee salaries were still paid. This whole thing is a CROCK!

  4. Were any actual written laws broken by doing this? If there were there should be prosecution of the guilty parties.

    Taking advantage of the system is not legally the same as breaking written laws that can result in prosecution.

    If no laws ere broken perhaps the requirements for legal bailout money should be changed so that it isn’t available to those not actually needing it.

  5. Anonymous asks: Why hasn’t this Somalian pirate been hung yet?

    Because of one man: William Barr. This man singlehandedly made all the damage done by obama in 8 years PERMANENT.

    Get used to Omar’s criminality and treason, because it’s going to get worse and worse and worse – and unchallenged, especially unchallenged by the shit that is the GOP.

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