California: Riverside County sheriff refuses to implement Gov. Newsom’s lock-down orders – IOTW Report

California: Riverside County sheriff refuses to implement Gov. Newsom’s lock-down orders


Yet another sheriff in California said his department will not enforce the governor’s latest lockdown orders.

In a video released Friday, Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco called Gavin Newsom’s orders hypocritical and ridiculous. watch

14 Comments on California: Riverside County sheriff refuses to implement Gov. Newsom’s lock-down orders

  1. Bravo, a measured reasonable sober response laced with facts, not emotion.

    For every LE official that publicly condemns this order and promotes non compliance, there is 10 others that will just ignore it, knowing that his officers have enough common sense give this bullshit order it’s just due.

  2. L.A. County Sheriff too, believe it or not.
    His statement was that with no legal code his officers had nothing to charge anyone with. But he (and other county sheriffs) have signaled that they don’t consider the edicts to have legal authorita.

  3. It’s kinda funny how the universal non verbal greeting has evolved from a smile to a wave.

    There is a nice state park, right on the water, where I live and once or twice a week I’ll walk the 6 mile trail. Outside, no one around, everyone I see (except me) is masked up, and when passing won’t get within 15 feet of me. It’s cool, I don’t mind, and everyone still waves but the hysteria modeling behavior really is stunning.

  4. In Pasadena, “volunteers” are going around telling everyone to mask up with the gov’ts blessing. This is nannystate bullshit and these people need a good whoopin. We are not up agains’t just idiots like newscum and garcetti but millions of stupid “karens.”

  5. rich

    You’re are hard pressed to find anybody wearing masks outside in Folsom or EDH. Occasionally you see some dumb ass in a Prius, alone, wearing a mask. Those are the Libtards. Easy to spot.


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