Kentucky mayor charged after falling asleep in drive-thru line, rear-ending a truck – IOTW Report

Kentucky mayor charged after falling asleep in drive-thru line, rear-ending a truck

Police say a Kentucky mayor has been charged with driving under the influence after she fell asleep at the wheel in a restaurant’s drive-thru line and later crashed.

13 Comments on Kentucky mayor charged after falling asleep in drive-thru line, rear-ending a truck

  1. AP:

    It’s unclear whether she has an attorney who can comment for her.

    No, it’s not “unclear”, it’s “I don’t know”.

    And she’s (that’s a SHE?) able to comment for herself: “Ah dindu nuffin.”

  2. IF I SAID i’ve never done that id lie.
    But have not so done in 60 years is true.

    Kids learn by mistakes; at least some of us did!

    I have thanked God many times the last 60 years that I never hurt anyone when I was drunk driving; which I did far too often 60 years ago!

    Thank you Lord!

    I am glad the guys I punched when drunk hurt, and would do so agin!

    Mean ol Jarhead!

  3. Is a mayor just responsible for waving from a carriage in a parade?
    Elected merely to make the villagers who associate themselves with an image to “have pride”, ie womyn, or people of a preferred ‘color’?

    Or does a mayor actually have capacity, to hire/fire, to spend OPM, to severely damage a community (perhaps intentionaly) ?!

    WhoTheF would knowingly elect someone so low (a hit and run driver) to a position that has power over others?

    What I see in this country, other than the President, is a whole lotta people that aren’t worth spit to me, starting with the highest ranking GOP ‘leaders’ who must be convinced/coerced to do anything on behalf on us citizens.

    I’ve reached the mindset that I hope the people that have bought guns and ammo (for the right reasons) have the temerity to use them as warranted by the situation at hand.


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