Congressman Paul Gosar’s Open Letter to Arizona: Are We Witnessing a Coup d’etat? – IOTW Report

Congressman Paul Gosar’s Open Letter to Arizona: Are We Witnessing a Coup d’etat?


by Rep. Paul Gosar

As I write this, I am in our nation’s Capital attending to legislative business, but I remain focused on what is happening in our country regarding our election.

In 2016, then candidate Donald Trump fell victim to a heinous crime that had never before been committed in the history of our country. The outgoing Obama administration weaponized our Department of Justice and FBI to unlawfully spy on their political opponent. They falsified information and crafted a ridiculous narrative around a Russia hoax that would be used as the basis to pursue a sham investigation. That disgraceful investigation became a Sword of Damocles throughout the majority of President Trump’s Presidency.

Before President Trump was even sworn in, Democrat Leftists swore an oath to remove him by any means they could. Official calls to impeach him came before he was even sworn in. At the conclusion of the Russia investigation, they cherry picked a phone call the President had with Ukraine to pursue a farcical impeachment. They failed. They lied about our President every day for four years. Having failed everywhere else, they brazenly engaged in systemic voter fraud and are trying to steal this election. They did it right in front of us with no shame.

For months Joe Biden hid while they carefully planned. The “fact-checkers” became more bold — removing reports and slapping “this claim is disputed” labels on anything that might bruise Joe Biden. For weeks leading up to Election Day, we were told to expect Trump to win big on election night but that in the days that followed, Biden would overtake any lead as mail-in ballots were counted. On election night as votes poured in overwhelmingly for President Trump, Joe Biden told supporters to “Keep the Faith” and “We believe we are on track to win this.” The next morning, we all awoke to see massive, statistically impossible spikes in votes for Joe Biden and almost zero for President Trump. Are we witnessing a coup d’etat?

We will not tolerate this.

11 Comments on Congressman Paul Gosar’s Open Letter to Arizona: Are We Witnessing a Coup d’etat?

  1. Why are republicans always so late to the game? Dems have been in an all-out-war against Trump for 4 years, and only now some Repubs begin to wonder if maybe, just maybe, the ‘honorable’ Dems may have pulled a slight-of-hand trick on Nov 3rd? How do these REP congressmen even represent us….they’re at the helm and clearly NOT paying any attention, AT ALL! Its time we vote these morons out of office. Its time for a new conservative party to emerge. Its time to wake up to the B.S. antics the left uses, and stop pretending the Dems cherish our Constitution because they clearly don’t. Fire must be met with Fire.

  2. Crawl out of your cave, sniff the air and witness the most blatant criminal offenses created by the very criminals that have been voted into office under broken promises to uphold the laws of America and maintain the guarantees provided by the United States Constitution.

    Heads need to roll, nuts need to be severed and wrongs need to be righted.

    There should be NO maximum penalty spared.

  3. If there were no mail-in ballot collection boxes, if the Dominion machines were smashed beyond recognition and if we had bare-knuckles GOP monitors on election night…


    What, you think there’s some other way?

  4. Left Coast Dan, I think everyone is waking up to that now. Even if you banned absentee, early and mail in voting, banned the tabulators counting the votes that all 3 companies use the same software that can be manipulated, could you still trust these bumbling idiots and downright crooks running elections?

    I keep hearing and reading people attack Lin Wood, I guess I’m one of those that gets what he’s saying, why vote if your vote is going to go for the other guy? Why continue voting for people who don’t even have the guts to fight against fraud, much less fight for their country or represent their constituents? The Senate had unanimous consent for foreign workers, the House had unanimous voice vote for Chinese to come into our country without following immigration laws. I hope nobody has forgotten with this uniparty you couldn’t even have a discussion on illegal immigrants until Trump came down the escalator. That’s why people voted for him in such huge numbers they couldn’t cheat enough that time, but they planned for it this time, yet does Republicans care? Well, obviously these two votes shows they don’t, which tells me they’re just as guilty as democrats of knowing they control who wins elections.

    There is no voting our way out of it now, there is no next time, we’re basically a communist country and yes the police for the most part are on their side, very few refuse to enforce their lockdowns and mask mandates and have been more than willing to arrest moms in parks, moms at sport games, business owners trying to save their businesses. Courts have given them free reign to do it for the most part, outside of a few courts and SCOTUS on locking down Jews, they have also given them free reign to steal the election.

    It’s the people against every branch of government, federal and state.


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