Let Them Know – IOTW Report

Let Them Know

Here’s What You Can Do – Pray and Contact These State Legislatures and Let Them Know How You Feel About the Biden Steal.

7 Comments on Let Them Know

  1. When I use a vote,” Humpty Uniparty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Thirdtwin , “whether you can make votes mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Uniparty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”

    We are through the looking glass now. There is nothing we can threaten them with if we are not master of our own votes.

  2. Of the 3 times I emailed one of my Senators I have yet to receive an
    answer that addresses my question or concern. What I do receive is a
    buffet of ramblings specially formulated in hopes I never contact them again. I know that the Senator doesn’t actually read or write the answer because they are usually far too busy appearing on a radio or TV talk show. My other Senator probably spends most of his time sniffing around lobbyists to see if he can get another big payout for his vote like he got for Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership. $63K in one fell swoop ain’t too shabby is it?

  3. I’d vote “Yes” for term limits, bit they’d just throw my vote in the trash or change it to “No”. And I’d vote “No” on mail-in, early and computer voting but…


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