New York legislation could make COVID-19 vaccination mandatory – IOTW Report

New York legislation could make COVID-19 vaccination mandatory

JTN: A New York lawmaker is proposing legislation to make a COVID-19 vaccine mandatory if too few residents voluntarily get the immunization.

Assembly member Linda Rosenthal, who represents parts of Manhattan’s West Side, has introduced a bill that would require the state to “safely and effectively” distribute an FDA-approved vaccine “in accordance with the department [of health]’s COVID-19 vaccination administration program,” according to the language of the legislation.

The bill states, “If public health officials determine that residents of the state are not developing sufficient immunity from COVID-19, the department shall mandate vaccination for all individuals.” read more

25 Comments on New York legislation could make COVID-19 vaccination mandatory

  1. I would like to see a Constitutional justification for that. i know that other vaccines are required now, but a new, untested vaccine for what is a temporary problem? I doubt that would fly.

    If it does fly, there will be a massive amount of passive resistance.

  2. Hmmm, don’t I remember something along the lines of, “My body. My choice.” being a recently popular position.

    Here in Texas our Gov Abbott has stretched his authority with some of the mask and shutdown mandates and the public has acquiesced with just a bit of grumbling. There is no question what the reaction would be if something like this was proposed.

  3. So, the bill states that medical workers will be the first to be stuck without consent huh?

    What an awesome way to take down the ability of the medical community to help anyone once the side effects kick in that NOBODY wants to talk about let alone acknowledge that there are MANY, they are life altering, and some die from it…. but since the completely incompetent FDA approved it you will have no choice but to submit or go back to living like its the 1600’s again and find a cave to live in.

    It ALWAYS starts with it being “voluntary” until they make it mandatory by stealth… like they are right now by “updating” the vac-lists that you need to be able to go to a school.

    Then it quickly morphs into you need to “show your papers please” to be able to fly on an airplane… then soon after like magic you will need it to use ANY kind of public transportation with no notice at all of the changes, just like when they rolled out the TSA on us.

    Then it will quickly be moved into the “private” sectors with the help of giant corporations that will have “card-checkers” at the entrance of EVERY store and will then be followed by banks and all the other public institutions that require id.

    The final nail in joe six-packs coffin will be public utilities and benefits from the grubbermint being cut off because you do not have your magic covid/facui/gates vaccine that does NOTHING but get you sick and make evil people richer.

  4. Starting to talk about things I’d go to jail for…

    mandatory Covid-19 vaccine refusal
    refusal of 1st amendment (among other constitutional issues)
    self-defense and defense of others (especially children)
    desecration of the USA flag
    disrespect to Veterans and patriots
    among a few other things.

  5. Cuomo should volunteer NY unionized state workers first just test and verify his authority and their loyalty to his great cause. If they start twitching and bobbing their heads up and down uncontrollably it won’t be a big loss.

  6. Shoot, Aaron, I was hoping you were saying that REALLY BIG needles would fix them up. You know, like where do you put a REALLY BIG needle? Up their aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

    Maybe I’m just wishing the Democrats would take this vaccine and go die in disproportionately large numbers. I am SO sick of them and their never-ending tripe. They’re a walking, human disease all by themselves.

  7. Jimmy….. you’re so…… Celtic.

    Find your inner Norwegian. Just jab the New Yorkers with giant needles. If you do something for long enough…something interesting is bound to happen.

  8. cslamer DECEMBER 9, 2020 AT 4:49 PM

    When fake papers become rampant, THEN they’ll insist on a mark in your right hand or in your forehead to buy or sell anything.

    Conrats – you’ve reached the end times. If you haven’t met Jesus yet, I advise that you do so before you pass. You don’t want to meet him in the afterlife without a heart-to-heart with Him beforehand.

    Be on the lookout for a politician that suffers what should be a fatal head wound, but miraculously heals. He’ll be very convincing that you should follow him like he was the second coming himself.


    Rv:13:16: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads

    Something to ease a Christian’s mind on the mark:

    Rev 14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

    We will be forced to receive the mark (see Rev 13:16), but it’s the worship of him that you will suffer the wrath of God for. He will be very convincing that he is THE ONE, but don’t you believe it.

  9. @Aaron Burr – don’t be dumb dumb. New York is a big fucking state, like yours, educate yourself there…smartass.

    That is some real dumb shit to be saying about people on this site.



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