Did illegals vote in the election? A growing number want to know – IOTW Report

Did illegals vote in the election? A growing number want to know

JTN: For more than a decade now, major research institutions like Harvard University and others have published surveys showing large numbers of non-citizen immigrants in America claim to have registered and voted in U.S. elections despite a legal prohibition. Now some Republicans are questioning whether such illegal voting could have impacted the outcome of the still-disputed November elections.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who this week filed a lawsuit in the U.S. Supreme Court to invalidate the election results in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia, said illegal ballots cast by non-citizen immigrants could have played a role in Joe Biden’s wins in many states.

“Look, it could have, I mean, there’s a lot of factors that could have had an impact on which way the election went,” Paxton told Just the News on Tuesday. “I think the voter rolls ought to be checked. Secretaries of States of each state ought to check whether people—there ought to be some way to check a database and whether somebody is a citizen or not. I think that’s a pretty important question to know the answer to. Because, obviously, only citizens of this country have the right to vote.” read more

17 Comments on Did illegals vote in the election? A growing number want to know

  1. The fact that the Dems push Motor Voter registration while simultaneously allowing illegals to obtain driver’s licenses tells me everything I need to know about illegals voting.

  2. At this stage of the game it doesn’t matter. The gauntlet has been thrown in our faces. The only people that believe our voting system is not rife with fraud on all levels are idiots and sycophants. An army of cannon fodder led by a dangerous group of ideological reprobates that if allowed to take the helm will lead this nation to civil insurrection.

  3. “Did illegals vote in the election?”

    Do democrats shit in our ice cream?

    Of course illegals are voting in our elections. They have been ever since the Dimns started importing them. Hillary didn’t win the popular vote because she’s popular with Americans.


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