17 States File Amicus Brief With Supreme Court in Support of Texas Election Lawsuit – IOTW Report

17 States File Amicus Brief With Supreme Court in Support of Texas Election Lawsuit

CTH: Late Monday night the state of Texas filed a lawsuit directly in the Supreme Court against four states: Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The intent is to block those states from casting their Electoral College votes for Joe Biden due to the unconstitutional nature of mail-in ballot use – against legislative approval and requirement. more

37 Comments on 17 States File Amicus Brief With Supreme Court in Support of Texas Election Lawsuit

  1. This is a good start toward getting the participants in the coup de ta identified and on record. If it can later be shown that any of them were aware of the conspiracy to illegitimately influence the result of this election, this makes them an active participant.

  2. The plotters didn’t see THIS coming.
    I bet there is a lot of Valium, Pepto and Ibuprophen being
    gobbled down in certain “public servant’s” offices today
    as their treasonous scheme eeunravels.

  3. Sorry, where the hell is the rest of America, sleeping in the basement. This is a coup, wake TFU you frightened bums. Maybe their all just not that much of an American and are just going to hide in the deep weeds next to the swamp.

  4. This is what the case revolves around:

    The states in question used NON-legislative means to alter the way the election took place. The US Constitution is quite clear that such decisions and rule making are for THE LEGISLATURE ALONE!

    Not the governor, not the bureaucrats, not some committee, THE LEGISLATURE.

  5. They just think nobody cares and aren’t paying attention because the media, FB, twitter, Google, youtube, etc. is trying to keep them from talking about it. Our AG, Governor, U.S. Senators, State Reps and Senators were getting so many calls they couldn’t field them all and by 9 this morning every mailbox was full.

  6. @ Old Racist White Woman DECEMBER 9, 2020 AT 5:07 PM

    Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!

    This is also why there was a concerted effort to shut down the public/reader comments section of most major newspapers, and Yahoo etc., in advance of the upcoming Democrat spring Offensive. They knew, damn A well, that they must control that narrative to the nth degree if they are going to pull this off.

    What we are seeing out of Google/YouTube today is the plotters recognizing that “it isn’t working.” It is very similar to them shutting down ballot counting on election night when they recognized that “it is getting away from us.” They tried to keep everything they are up to on the QT, but the margin of Trump’s victory made that impossible. They have been trying to strictly control what the American people are talking among each other about and that too has gotten away from them. These are both panic moves. Totally reactionary to what is happening that is beyond their control to keep their designs under wraps. W/o the likes of Romney and the Never Trumpers it would have been impossible for any of this to even get past the straight face test with 60% or more of the American public.

  7. @JDHasty December 9, 2020 at 5:03 pm

    “…This is what the case revolves around:

    The states in question used NON-legislative means to alter the way the election took place. The US Constitution is quite clear that such decisions and rule making are for THE LEGISLATURE ALONE!…”

    And here’s your “legal standing”:

    “…States have a strong interest in ensuring that the votes of their own citizens are not diluted by the unconstitutional administration of elections in other States…”

  8. Really Anonymous? The “People” voted? What people? How many times? How many illegally? Why the coverup? What do you have to hide? Why the censorship? The list goes on. The Koolaid may taste good now, but it soon will turn very bitter.

  9. @ stirrin the pot DECEMBER 9, 2020 AT 5:20 PM

    You got that right. They made it so that their residents votes count more than the votes of residents of states that adhered to the law.

  10. Anon, you’re full of crap. The people voted and then people were paid to fill out thousands of ballots that they kept bringing in for days after the election, on top of the machines who stole the people’s votes and gave them to Biden, and that’s not even getting into China ballots and foreign governments hacking into the systems.

  11. ‘The people voted’ some multiple times! So often in fact sometimes miraculously the votes in counties were more numerous than eligible voters! Not to mention PA published they mailed out 1.8 million ballots and got back 2.5 million. Biden under performed in the entire country among every voter group except in a handful of democrat counties. Trump won by so much they panicked and turned this into a truly 3rd world election in front of everyone’s face counting on dopes to claim it was fair without addressing the material issues. Kudos to the troll for proving that.

  12. 1. At the minimum, FORTY (40) states should be a party to this.

    2. How can the MSM be legitimate in anyone’s eyes, if they don’t deem this lawsuit newsworthy???
    (Apparently at least 17 States don’t buy their LIE that the charge of election fraud is ‘baseless’.)

  13. @Anonymous December 9, 2020 at 6:39 pm

    “…counting on dopes to claim it was fair without addressing the material issues. Kudos to the troll for proving that…”

    You mean counting on dopes (aka “useful idiots”) to believe their biased legacy media’s propaganda. (insert fingers in ears and sing, La-la-La-La-La).

    p.s., I assume that you are a different anonymous than the one who posted at 5:21 pm

  14. Dear Anonymous (Leftist troll): We’re not a “democratic Republic”. You must be thinking of Venezuela or even closer, China. China is “The People’s Republic…”, hence “democratic” in that the majority rule in a democracy. Think of it as four lions and a lamb trying to decide what to have for dinner. That’s a democracy.

    The United States is a representational Constitutional Republic, meaning that the popular vote means zippity doo da. That’s why the states under contention are under contention — they each hold the keys to the electoral vote. They went for Trump in a big way and when the Leftist Democrats saw what was happening, they queered the election in their states with criminal acts of election fraud.

    Educate yourself.

  15. AbigailAdams, unfortunately about 2/3 or possibly more U.S. Representatives and Senators with Republic in their party name don’t seem to know this. I want to slap them every single time I hear them say “democracy.”

  16. I am sorry. We can’t have this many @anonymooses here. I can’t tell a real @anonymoose from the other. One’s a knuckle dragging, mouth breathing supporter of the drooling idiot president elect in his own world.

    The other @anonymous might still have a few brain cells.

  17. Brown Eyed Girl,

    We want NV added to the list of defendants for their shitty dealings. I know there is no way our sick puke governor would do anything that didn’t involve skimming money. By the way, I read that Arizona was added to the list of the 17 states in the lawsuit. WTF does that mean?? Irony, anyone?

  18. I want the right Anonymous for Christmas. Only the right Anonymous will do. I don’t want a lib whose trolling makes him glib. The one who is conservative makes much more sense it’s true!


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