Whitlock on China’s Greatest Advantage Over the United States – IOTW Report

Whitlock on China’s Greatest Advantage Over the United States

Rush Limbaugh:

RUSH: It’s December. It’s Christmas. It’s the most wonderful, beautiful time of the year, traditionally. And a lot of people are trying to make it so again this year. You gotta love ’em. You gotta love the people trying to keep tradition alive, because there are so many people who are doing just the opposite. They’re trying to destroy every American tradition and get their hands on every American institution they can get their hands on.

For some people it’s depressing. For other people, it just makes them mad. Others just scratch their heads and say, “Why can’t people just be happy? Why does everybody have to be so mad all the time?” Well, everybody isn’t mad all the time. The people who are mad all the time are people on the left. And I know it sounds simplistic to say, but just ask yourself something, if you doubt me. When is the last time you ever saw one of those people literally happy?

Even after they have won something they claimed to have really wanted, some legislative idea, some new government benefit, whatever it is, when’s the last time you saw them happy? When’s the last time you saw them smile? You cannot satisfy them. You cannot give them enough no matter how much they want, you give it to them, they always want more. They are perpetual victims, which is why they cannot be happy. They’re perpetual victims. They are victims of this country’s racism and bigotry, its unfairness. And they infect everybody with their pessimism. They infect everybody with the negativism. And they are relentless.

I have a column here by Jason Whitlock at the website is Outkick.com. “China’s ban on Twitter might be its single greatest advantage over the United States of America. Social media has accelerated America’s transition from a competition-based society to an attention-based one. This acceleration can be most easily seen in the sports world.”

This is a key point, folks, so stick with me here. “Social media,” which is poison, “has accelerated America’s transition from a competition-based society to an attention-based one.” In other words, competition is bad. It hurts people’s feelings ’cause there are people that don’t win, and it’s not fair. So what have we transitioned to? “Notice me, notice me! Hey, hey, notice me, I’m here, I matter, hey.” And as long as you notice somebody and they can get your attention, they’re happy. But don’t expect them to have to compete for it. read more

10 Comments on Whitlock on China’s Greatest Advantage Over the United States

  1. “Why can’t people just be happy?”

    Oh I can name a few reasons, but I’ll give just one maybe the most important.

    Jealousy comes to mind.

    Those that do not have happiness (the rioters, antifag, etc, and others) are HAPPY to take away your happiness.

    Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of ‘Happiness’ was well delineated by Jefferson brilliance.

    pursuit – “to strive to gain; seek to attain or accomplish (an end, object, purpose, etc.).”

    Note other key word in there, strive – “to exert oneself vigorously; try hard.”

    It’s VERY clear, the must be NO other debate.

    Oh and Prager says we have a moral obligation to be happy, on a daily basis.

  2. The ‘liberal’ poison has been working for over 50 years. It was really communist poison, but too many of us were either too complacent or too corrupted.

    Now we’re here, and we have a war to fight.

    Nukes ain’t shit against Americans: money is. Just ask biden, clinto etc

  3. Part of an American’s formal education should be doing volunteer work in some 3rd world bass-akward place for a few months or a year.
    If nothing else, it might just dawn on them to be grateful for the opportunities being born an American carries.

  4. Competition generates excellence.
    Lack of such breeds mediocrity.
    I see it in any service company that has a monopoly.
    Charter Communications, which owns Spectrum cable services and a shitload of others, for instance.


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