GOP Members of House Intelligence Committee Never Told About Dem Colleague Swalwell’s China Spy Problem – IOTW Report

GOP Members of House Intelligence Committee Never Told About Dem Colleague Swalwell’s China Spy Problem

Trending Politics-

As President Donald Trump’s supporters continue to believe, as he does, that there was massive vote and election fraud this year, Republicans should be getting a message too, and that is this: Our institutions are broken, and probably beyond repair.

Case in point: Rep. Eric Swalwell.

Axios dropped several bombshells on Tuesday involving him and several others who were likely compromised by a female Chinese spy named Fang Fang, who changed her name to Christine Fang after coming to the United States. more

18 Comments on GOP Members of House Intelligence Committee Never Told About Dem Colleague Swalwell’s China Spy Problem

  1. I’m sure he isn’t the only one who fell for the oldest trick in espionage. There’s always plenty of dems that are ripe for the picking because of their hatred for everything about this country.

  2. The Fang Fang Bang Bang was facilitated by the alphabet community to ensure they could blackmail a congress critter to do their bidding. The longer they could keep the treason a secret the longer they had this idiot in their pocket.

    The CIA, FBI et. al. are more concerned for about their priorities than the country.

  3. @MJA, the story goes that Sergey Brin and Larry Page started Google out of a garage in Menlo Park. I think one or both were attending Stanford at the time. Neither one is in any executive position at Alphabet/Google any longer.

  4. Hmmmm…maybe he was doing research? Yes, that’s the ticket! He was researching Chinese infiltration of Congress and was about to go to the FBI with his findings when Axios blew his cover!

  5. Don’t let the titillating or salacious angles on this story blind us to the terrible seriousness of it. I, for one, am not yucking it up over this.

    Accountability is wholly absent and it shouldn’t be! If what Axios is claiming is true, Swalwell wasn’t the only one compromised, and their claim of ignorance shouldn’t be an acceptable defense.

    What are we going to do about it?

  6. GOP Members of House Intelligence Committee Never Told About Dem Colleague Swalwell’s China Spy Problem

    most conservative republicans don’t have to be it should be assumed if you are an elected democrat your compromised

  7. GOP Members of House Intelligence Committee Never Told About Dem Colleague Swalwell’s China Spy Problem

    most conservative republicans don’t have to be told it should be assumed if you are an elected democrat your compromised

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