Gov. Murphy Begs New Jersey To Work With Contact Tracers After Most Residents Tell Them To Get Lost – IOTW Report

Gov. Murphy Begs New Jersey To Work With Contact Tracers After Most Residents Tell Them To Get Lost

Daily Wire:

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) vented on Monday that residents are generally not working with state officials to trace infections of COVID-19.

Murphy said at a press conference that a large majority of New Jerseyans are not responding to government contact tracers trying to identify all the people who may have come into contact with someone infected by the coronavirus, according to CBS 3 Philly.

“The rate of noncooperation with our contact tracers is now up to a whopping 74% of cases. Quite frankly, this is unacceptable and we need folks to turn that around,” Murphy said. “It is extremely critical for contact tracers to get in touch with the close contacts of those who test positive to help us stop the spread of this virus.”

He implored residents to work with contact tracers in a tweet the same day. The state reported more than 3,500 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday. read more

25 Comments on Gov. Murphy Begs New Jersey To Work With Contact Tracers After Most Residents Tell Them To Get Lost

  1. What never fails to astonish me about these assclowns’ consistently inane, totalitarian insanity is also that their visages look so much like the misshapen work of beginning, no talent portraitists. Some books and almost ALL (d) politicians can indeed accurately be judged by their “covers”…

  2. …well, I was with Nonaya Fucinbusiness at his house on Fukuany Way on Tuesday, and I spent some time at Eats Hita Ndie becuase the food is VERY good there, then I hung out with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer all day after THAT, so you’d best put THEM in lockdown…

  3. …It’s almost like Governor Murphy doesn’t know what Murphy’s Law is, even though he’s trying to make EVERY law Murphy’s law despite the fact that this PARTICULAR Murphy has NO authority to DO that….

  4. I was at a BLM protest. As we have all been told by our Democrat elected officials and the media, the Kung Flu cannot be contracted from a violent BLM/antifa protest because…SCIENCE.

  5. My employer completed an RFP for a CA county that is looking to manage a large pool of contact tracers with a project commencement date of summer of 2021. Of course they need us to participate and make this the new normal when they are planning on having this long term. No thanks.

  6. You sure he isn’t a member of the British Parliament? Must not have very good dental in Jersey with those choppers.

    How much longer before “Your papers are not in order!” ?

  7. Mafia ensures cooperation through extreme violence. Government of, by and for the people ensures cooperation through continuing evident and palpable concern for and service to citizens. New Jersey evidently isn’t doing either well. Certainly Democrats have the ideological premise to engage in extreme violence against the citizenry, the question is not if, but when they will.

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