Is Operation 25th Amendment Already Underway? – IOTW Report

Is Operation 25th Amendment Already Underway?

Patriot Retort: Is the media already setting the stage to jettison Joe? A couple of stories hit last night that leads me to suspect that the Democrats’ Operation 25th Amendment isn’t waiting until January 20th to kick into gear.

The first story is one that we’ve known about for quite some time – namely, that Joe Biden’s son Hunter is under investigation for his business dealings in China.

But this time, the news media isn’t ignoring the story and claiming it’s “Russian Disinformation” as they did before the election. In fact, they’re reporting it with wild abandon.

Back in October NPR released a statement regarding the New York Post’s Hunter Biden story saying “We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.”

Last night, NPR began wasting everyone’s time reporting on Hunter Biden.

They’re not the only news outlet singing a different tune.

In October, CNN referred to the New York Post’s reporting as “dubious.” But last night, CNN quickly reported on the now-not-dubious story.

In October, Twitter suspended the New York Post for its reporting on Hunter Biden. But today, check out what’s trending on Twitter: MORE HERE

36 Comments on Is Operation 25th Amendment Already Underway?

  1. That’s been the plan all along. Commie Harris couldn’t get elected. Keep Biden in the basement until the election is stolen and then jettison him.

    I would not want to be a secret service agent for that bitch. There will be some lead flying from people who know what they are doing and don’t appreciate such an underhanded theft of government.

  2. Different Tim
    DECEMBER 10, 2020 AT 8:05 PM
    ‘Exactly what I’ve been wondering. Vice President Clinton?😵’

    …even a dumb hole like Kamel knows THAT would be a death sentence…

  3. All we really know is that everything we know is wrong.

    There is much conniving, skullduggery and treachery afoot. Truly evil people are emerging from the shadows and there is great foreboding about.

  4. Hillary Clinton would be Vice president for about 60 days after they invoke the 25th and Eject Joe.

    CamelToe will accidentally trip down a flight of stairs making Killary the President. The Demos are that bold.

  5. used to the idea that Biden has no business in the White House.

    No one voted for Joe to be in the WH in the first place. About 3/4 of Democrats were against Trump and 1/4 of the votes were automatic from Dominion. Joe has never been in the picture.

  6. If memory serves, before Nixon was removed the then deep state forced Spiro Agnew to step down. Ergo, I believe the plan here is to get rid of Kamala and then Joe…can you say President Pelosi? (and not vomit?). Wild and crazy, I admit, but she sure is capable of such evil.

  7. Let’s think about this a bit in ‘terms’ of time.

    How long would it take to remove Biden? (and convince the people that actually voted for the guy).

    How long would it take for Commala to establish herself as the new POTUS?

    And how long would 80 million people PLUS put up with it???

  8. I don’t think it will ever be Article 25 time; They’re getting Joe inoculated against the scandal by pinning everything on his family members now, with limited hangouts, so it will dealt with by the media before the electors make it official next week. Then comes Christmas, and it will be last year’s old news a week later. Also, covering the Hunter and James stuff distracts from the growing resistance and challenges to the Democrat election fraud.

    They’ve got to get Joe in the White House to get him out, and he’s already said he’d catch a disease and bow out when the time comes. They won’t Article 25 him on the grift, because scandal would be counterproductive and risk collateral damage. He’ll leave on his own steam after a respectable period of time, as a BeLoVeD eLdEr sTaTeSmAn, or just die.

    All of this assumes that every red state doesn’t end up with Texas on the lawsuit against the fraud states, and it totally messes up the steal. And it looks like things are snowballing in that direction

  9. I doubt the 25th amendment will come into play. Plugs was in on the scheme from the start to Trojan horse the Hindu Dindu into the oval office. He plans to skate with a pardon for himself, Hunter, bro., et al, and a pallet of cash courtesy of CCP.

  10. Pelosi flat out told us that the House preps for the 25th weren’t for President Trump (MILST) but for a future President.
    The Dems planned on stealing the election all along, which is why they pushed so rigorously to have both Barrett & Kavanaugh to commit to recusing themselves if any Trump-related cases came before them. They knew the steal was on back in 2018 and that these nominees could potentially ham-string them so the dems jumped on the attack path to try and ham-string the Supreme Court – back in 2018.
    The 25th will be used to remove Biden on Jan 21st, if he doesn’t have a “legitimate” medical incident first. Frankly, if this steal succeeds I would be very surprised if Biden made it to midnight Jan 20th.

  11. I knew they would come up with a reason to force Biden out if his puppet masters succeed in stealing the election.
    Jill is probably getting a big payday.
    Joe will be put in an Alzheimer’s care home. The family home will be sold and Jill will be free.

    I don’t think Commiela is convinced they will succeed.
    She looked pretty iffy the night of their victory parade on stage and hasn’t resigned her Senate seat.

  12. It was underway when Jim Clymer told everybody else to drop out and handed SC to Sniffie.


    I don’t think Commiela is convinced they will succeed.
    She looked pretty iffy the night of their victory parade on stage and hasn’t resigned her Senate seat.

    You broke the code.

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