SHAFFER: Here’s The Evidence Of Widespread Election Fraud – IOTW Report

SHAFFER: Here’s The Evidence Of Widespread Election Fraud

National Pulse:

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer –

Over the course of an extensive press conference, the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society introduced three whistleblowers who together painted a comprehensive and interlocking picture of illegality and malfeasance involving hundreds of thousands of ballots being prepared, curated, and moved across state lines.

The first whistleblower was Gregory Stenstrom, a Navy veteran and computer scientist who served as a Republican poll watcher in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia. After a five-hour battle just to gain access to the centralized counting center, Stenstrom witnessed a number of significant abnormalities and breaches of protocol.

Stenstrom was at ground zero of the Democrat’s cheat — the point where all their preparation had to (and did) come together

First, Stenstrom saw election workers carrying postal trays full of ballots out of a locked back room. When he asked for access to the room in order to observe what was going on inside — something he was entitled to do as a credentialed election observer — he was flatly refused by an election supervisor. After offering a number of increasingly flimsy excuses, the supervisor eventually exclaimed, “there’s no fraud going on” — as though her assurances should have been considered the final word on the matter.

Stenstrom wouldn’t accept that, and eventually got a judge to order that he and other poll watchers must be allowed into the room for five minutes every two hours. When he got back there, he saw boxes containing what he calculated to be more than 50,000 completed ballots, despite having been previously told that only 6,000 ballots remained to be brought onto the main counting room floor. read more

13 Comments on SHAFFER: Here’s The Evidence Of Widespread Election Fraud

  1. Do you know what you get when more than 50% of the population feels they have been cheated out of their right to vote and that the process has been corrupted?

    Me neither. But it’s not going to be pretty.

  2. Sadly, there are too many useful idiots and shallow, naive group-think-pop-culture followers who will never see or understand or believe the events and facts that they don’t get in their biased and censored world view.

  3. I’ve been curious since 11-3 as to why the USPS isn’t at the top of everybody’s shit list. No doubt the Dem party, its minions, rinos, the MSM, etc., are all involved in the election theft, but to pull off the accumulation and distribution of all the bogus ballots required a shit load of organized help inside of hundreds of post offices. It’s not just a rogue Claven here and there, but a well organized and well planned operation by post office insiders.

  4. Possible WARNING!!!

    Biden, and his gang are in the process of freezing your savings AND Safe Deposit Boxes. How are they doing it?… COVID.

    Right now, they are finding out what you have in your savings accounts through Accounting/Attorney firms in your states.

  5. Gregory Stenstrom, what was the name of the Delaware County PA election supervisor who refused to let you into that ballot-filled back room without a judge’s order, and who told you there was no fraud going on?

    Ethan Pease, what was the name of the person in Wisconsin who told you that USPS workers had been instructed to find 100,000 undelivered ballots in the facility sweep? What were the names of the two different workers who on separate occasions mentioned that USPS workers had been ordered to backdate thousands of ballots, fraudently making it appear they arrived on time to be counted when they actually hadn’t?

    Jesse Morgan, what was the name of the person responsible for loading your truck in Bethpage? What was the name of the transportation supervisor in Harrisburg who refused to let you unload and refused to sign any paperwork saying you were even IN Harrisburg?


  6. All the evidence in the world doesn’t mean anything can or will be done about it. In the end, the outcome of the election is in the hands of people that want things to stand as they are.

  7. Uncle Al – YEP – they all need to be named and shamed. If the left can play the doxxing game maybe we should too. Unless until we take off the kid gloves and start getting down and dirty we don’t really stand a chance. We can remain gentlemanly and play by the ‘rules’ – which they are establishing and then breaking – and continue to lose or we can FIGHT, hopefully not actually though as that will get ‘messy’.

  8. I’m not good at video editing but I’m sure someone else could take this and run with it by putting an elephant head on Arthur and a donkey head on Murray as a means of answering PHenrys’ “Do you know what you get?” question:
    What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner 80M people with a society that abandons him cheats on elections and treats him them like trash? You get what you f**kin’ deserve!”
    With appropriate “violence” warning:


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