These 3 Studies Show Lockdowns Are Ineffective at Slowing COVID-19 – IOTW Report

These 3 Studies Show Lockdowns Are Ineffective at Slowing COVID-19


Across America and Europe, many government officials are resuming lockdowns and tightening restrictions in the face of rising COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.

The collateral damage of lockdowns, which has been well documented, includes widespread povertydepression, bankruptcy, and unemployment. Meanwhile, the benefits of lockdowns remain murky.

Several studies show there is little correlation between government restrictions and lower COVID mortality rates. Here are three of them.

study published on July 21 in The Lancet, a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal founded in 1823, indicated that government lockdowns were ineffective.

Researchers collected data from the 50 countries with the most cases and found lockdowns were not associated with mortality reductions in critical COVID-19 cases, although factors such as obesity, smoking, and life expectancy were.

“…government actions such as border closures, full lockdowns, and a high rate of COVID-19 testing were not associated with statistically significant reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality,” the study concluded.

Similarly, a study published by Frontiers in Public Health several months after The Lancet paper found neither lockdowns nor lockdown stringency were correlated with lower death rates. Researchers crunched data from 160 countries over the first 8 months of the pandemic, testing numerous factors—such as public health, demographics, government policy, economy, and environment—to determine how each correlated with COVID-19 mortality. read more

15 Comments on These 3 Studies Show Lockdowns Are Ineffective at Slowing COVID-19

  1. Public health officials believe they can manage a virus through effective central planning, but this is folly and hubris.

    Public health officials are not trying to “manage a virus”. They are trying to manage a population and take control over its free and peaceful actions, and its very culture.

  2. Do to the Cancer, my buddy, I’m a high risk individual. For a couple years I guess. Not sure how they come up with that shit, but that beside the point. As soon as I could I was back in the gym. No mask, no washing down shit. Had to switch gyms to continue on. So it’s been 5 months. Not only am I fine, I have not heard of one person coming down with the Rona that works out. If you hit the same time slot in a gym you know who’s there and who’s not there. Nobodies ever been “not there”. That dude from NJ, Ian Smith is correct.

  3. ^^^^^^^
    Correct. They are designed to confine you from moving around. Keeping you in your domicile. So they know exactly where you are. First up for Biden to sign right before he’s road kill. Confiscation of your weapons. I wonder why?

  4. Yes – part of the lockdown effect is to reduce the general health, which is the most critical factor in combating the virus. I can’t believe it isn’t intentional, since the public speakers never talk about healthy habits, just isolation and mask wearing.

  5. They were designed to perpetuate voter fraud. They were veryt effective, and continuing until inauguration day.

    Just to let you know and I realize very few people here want to get the “Vaccine” but England, Canada, and others are already injecting people.

    The Demos are waiting & delaying in order to not have it distributed under the Trump Administration.

    We are all being manipulated but the Democrats & The US media are by far the worst.

  6. My nephrologist told me on the phone today to not leave the house and to stay away from hospitals and grocery stores and not to travel or visit anyone or have anyone over. I don’t need labs until January and she’s like “no need to rush out to get them even then.”

    I’m methodical during cold/flu season anyway so the only thing new for me is wearing the mask thing.Talking to her freaked me out though. I know I know. 🤦🏼‍♀️

  7. I just don’t get it….
    I’ve come to expect shit like this from the commies in our government.
    What amazes me is the response, or lack of, from us, the so called American Patriots that are supposed to value life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness above all else.


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