Jemele Hill Asked Jake Paul If It Was “Racist” to Knock Out Black Opponent – IOTW Report

Jemele Hill Asked Jake Paul If It Was “Racist” to Knock Out Black Opponent

She claims she was just kidding.

Dan Bongino: The undercard of the much-hyped Mike Tyson vs. Roy Jones fight featured famously annoying YouTuber Jake Paul fighting former professional basketball player Nate Robinson. During that fight, Paul, who is white, dropped Robinson, who is black, like a sack of potatoes.

Jake Paul appeared on the Cari & Jemele (Won’t) Stick to Sports show where Jemelle Hill asked him, “Considering where we are right now in our racial conversation in America, was what you did to Nate Robinson racist?” Paul seemed slightly horrified by the bizarre question and replied, “Nah, stop playin’ with me, come on.” Hill followed that up with, “Listen Jake, it’s a sensitive time right now, we just had to witness a white man knock out a black man smooth out in front of all of America, and that’s why I asked that.” Paul’s Response

15 Comments on Jemele Hill Asked Jake Paul If It Was “Racist” to Knock Out Black Opponent

  1. Never in a million years would I have thought about that.

    This is absolutely the stupidest Question (So far) of 2020.

    IOTW should get a trophy made every year and Send it to the winners each year, with a Plaque kept on Home Turf with the name & date of the incident/winner.

    You can put it in the Picture section as it fills up.

  2. The first time this was mentioned incidentally was a Charity Boxing match where J. Turdeau boxed a Conservative Senator up here in Canuckistan befor becoming PM.

    Senator Brazeau looked like a tough dude but what no one knew was that he was an alcoholic, a drug user (coke), and was smoking over a pack a day.

    It took a while, but people started calling it racist dut to the way natives had been treated historically. It WAS NOT.

    What it was was a set up that helped Cock Breath become Canada’s first “sometimes Black” and “layers & years of systematic racism” Prime Minister.

    Google: Senator Patrick Brazeau & Boxing

  3. It has become racist to expect the Negro to follow all the laws Caucasians follow, for the advancement and structure of society.
    The homosexual/pedophilia/transexual angle is working so well, why not make lawlessness acceptable for the newly minted magic Negro?
    Of course she meant it as a “reasonable” question, it’s what she does, foment racial devision.
    Math has become racist now, is there anything more ridiculous, math cannot be racist.
    It’s all about getting us to allow the nose of the camel into the tent.
    “We [Africans] taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.” -Sharpton

  4. Do they want to go back to where blacks had their own sports teams because they weren’t allowed to play with whites? They fought hard for the right to compete equally.


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