We have been manipulated and will not admit it – IOTW Report

We have been manipulated and will not admit it

BPR: We have been convinced by powers within our country that red is green and green is red.

As Joseph Goebbels said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

I believe the left in this country has developed a devastating alliance within the federal government’s deep state along with the mainstream media that has effectively been trying to convince us that red is green. Never in this nation’s history has a political party and political bureaucracy banded together with the press to destroy the nation.

Let me use some examples.

  1. Before Donald Trump was inaugurated, the left, the deep state and the media plotted to overthrow his presidency. They demanded that he be impeached before he took office. They accused him of being an agent of the Russian government and that the Russian government assisted him in winning the election over Hillary Clinton. The triumvirate brought about a special prosecutor who failed to prove the outrageous claims made over three years. Millions of Americans in this country still believe the rhetoric of the deep state, the press, and the far left that Donald Trump was an agent of the Russian government and that he is an illegitimate president.
  2. When you try and have a conversation about the abuse of power of the FBI, the Justice Department, the CIA, and other government agencies, many Americans don’t believe you and say, “I don’t think my government would do that.” When told about the FISA application lies, under oath, to spy on Americans, they would say, “I don’t believe my government would do that.”
  3. When you talk about the left’s desire to get rid of the first and second amendment or to eliminate the electoral college giving them more power to elect a president in a few states. The answer is always, “I don’t believe that the Democrats want to do that.” MORE HERE

21 Comments on We have been manipulated and will not admit it

  1. I was talking to a friend on the landline and I could hear my wife on her cell having a spirited conversation which devolved into loud profanity. When she hung up I said ‘hey…wtf…you sound like me’. She was talking to one of her sisters, the one that watches CNN, who informed her that DJT wanted to defund the police. I told my friend and he relayed that his girl friend** had a now former friend that believed that DJT was guilty of murdering 230 thousand people and should be hung. Two observations: these people cant be totally blamed because the MSM is an absolute disgrace; but there are a hell of a lot of really stupid people running around.

    **his girl friend is in her 80’s. This getting old stuff is really a trip. I couldn’t take it if it weren’t for alcohol.

  2. Red is green and green is red? More like red is blue and blue is red. Red has traditionally been the color of the communist movement, but media folks realized that coloring Democratic states red on election maps would remind many people of that party’s long association with the world’s bloodiest political movement. Therefore states that went Democratic had to be blue, states that went Republican had to be red, and the meaning “Better dead than red” got turned inside out.

  3. When apposing opinions are effectively blocked from wide dissemination you’re no longer living in an open society and free country.
    We as a country are now there.

  4. SS, speaking of demented 80-somethings, it’s gotten way out of hand when we have Nancy Pelosi all wound up about Qanon. I can’t tell if she believes Q is real, or if she believes that we believe Q is real, and that our belief is seriously damaging their ability to manipulate us.

  5. A caller to Rush yesterday said they have us believing that we are a 50/50 right/left society, and that is bullshit. I tend to agree with her, especially after the last election. Trump won a landslide and we are in the majority, 60/40, if not 65/35, but the squeaky wheel is making all the noise, and the other three are getting greased to keep them quiet.

  6. Overt political manipulation is mostly just a distraction that keeps almost everyone unaware of the real manipulation of our selves and our thinking that is going on at what should be a ridiculously obvious scale but almost everyone remains totally unaware of.

    And almost everyone, right or left, joins in and propagates it without even knowing they are. The “big lie” is being told and repeated in many ways and almost no one knows they are accepting and even repeating it. There is no public discussion of it and therefore no public resistance to it.

  7. ^^^^^^^^^ There’s a whole lot more going on than overt political manipulation and very few people are aware of it or how all encompassing it is because the methods are far more subtle and effective than a bunch of political hollering that distracts us.

    The nature of our country, and the world as well, has changed substantially since the beginning of the year. We are living in a different world now than we were then.

    Your analysis of things? I’d be interested in hearing it if it is different than mine.

  8. All the lies and masks and shut downs and crooked media and politicians’ behavior this year has only succeeded in dehumanizing people. They are bossy, busybodies, angry, compliant, cowed under. Just the way commies like it.

    Thank God there are still some of us who are standing up telling them all to pound sand.

  9. I realized how the media was manipulating public opinion in the 1960’s, less than ten years after I was born. Speak for yourself.

    I also realized that a lot of people seemed to want to be manipulated

  10. “I also realized that a lot of people seemed to want to be manipulated”

    I saw that with my own eyes when I lived in CA.
    One gross example was when the hollywood whores started having babies out of wedlock for attention and were proud of it. ‘News’ stories about them were all fluff and there were segments where they followed around the women while they were shopping for $80 onesies, custom made diaper bags and blankets that were woven by blind artisan women from the Basque region of Spain. And the dumb local women were like, “ooh me too! me too!”

  11. KID
    Can you name the liberal GOPe who got the press to change colors, the poli;tical maven knows, has known for 30 years.

    hint: worked for another GOPe liberal GWB>

    Ronny said thousands of times – even when he was a conservative Dem 61 years ago – (Im old) BETTER DEAD THAN RED! He meant it!

  12. It all goes back to public schools and the generations of know-nothing idiots it produced.
    They’ve been programmed to be the Get Along Gang, regardless of evidence to the contrary.


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