A Summary of the Texas Election Lawsuit – IOTW Report

A Summary of the Texas Election Lawsuit

American Thinker:

By Robert Madsen

Texas claims that the presidential elections as held (and as directed by government officials outside the legislature) in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan all flagrantly violated their own election laws by materially weakening or doing away with security measures.  Further, according to the U.S. Constitution, the legislature (representing the citizens) of each state has absolute authority and responsibility for how presidential electors are chosen; the will of legislature being expressed through state law.

Texas claims that the violations of election law in these states created an environment where ballot fraud was enabled and likely to occur.  The lawsuit lists the violations of law in each of the defendant states and provides evidence of fraud (the number of ballots handled unconstitutionally) in each of the states sufficient to change the outcome of the ballot counts.



  1. Vote Tally: 3,445,548 for Biden and 3,363,951 for Trump – margin 81,597.
  2. Requests for mail-in ballots 70% Democrats and 25% Republicans.
  3. Mail-in ballots increased from 266,208 in 2016 to over 3,000,000 in 2020.

Violations of Election Law:

  1. The Secretary of State unilaterally abrogated signature verification requirements for mail-in ballots.
  2. PA supreme court changed existing deadline for receiving mail-in ballots from 8:00 PM on the day of election to 3 days after the election and adopted a presumption that non-postmarked ballots be considered as valid.
  3. Election officials in Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties did not follow state law permitting poll-watchers to be present for the opening, counting, and recording of mail-in ballots.
  4. The Secretary of State directed election officials to remove ballots before 7:00 AM on the day of election in order to “cure” defective mail-in ballots.  This was done only in Democrat majority counties.
  5. Election officials did not segregate ballots received after 8:00 PM on election day breaking the promise made to the U.S. Supreme Court thus making it impossible to identify or remove those ballots.

Evidence of Fraud:

  1. Ballots with no mailed date: 9,005 (no evidence they were sent to a voter)
  2. Ballots returned on or before the mailed date: 58,221
  3. Ballots returned one day after the mailed date: 51,200 (Perhaps not impossible, but highly unlikely for the average voter to receive a ballot, fill it out, place it in the mail and have it returned the next day.)
  4. On Nov 2, the day before the election, PA reports that 2.7 million ballots had been sent out.  On Nov 4 that number had increased to 3.1 million — an increase of 400,000 mail-in ballots at election time with literally no reasonable chance of them being used by legitimate voters.


11 Comments on A Summary of the Texas Election Lawsuit

  1. Rumor has it that “reliable sources” say Brian Stelter has been raping little boys as young as 13 months old. That certainly deserves the death penalty. Anyone who rapes little boys should be targeted, hunted, tortured, and then publicly executed and then cremated in thengutter.

  2. This is going to be an interesting case, it’s the only one I’ve seen so far that has had the realistic possibility of changing anything, but even that doesn’t mean it will definitively change the results we see on January 20th.

  3. SCOTUS hopefully has the courage to do the right thing since it is at least indirectly in their own interests to uphold the Constitution. If they deny this suit and the Dems steal the Senate, the Court will be “packed” and they will become much less relevant. Just sayin, there is more to this than meets the eye.

  4. The Constitution is on our side in this case.
    Everyone in the supreme Court knows that the court will end up being packed.
    The intentions of the left holding the highest office in the land will make America just another hell hole, they have told us their plans snd have already been revealed.
    I’m pretty sure the conservatives on the court don’t want this to happen and legally they and rightfully can stop it.
    The left claims that blood will be in the streets if this happens, but I say better now than later when it is much harder to get it back, they did this cheating and therefore have the responsibility for any bloodshed. This is why paper ballots, voter ID and record keeping are so important in any election to keep it fair and honest. And while we’re at it can we please go back and look at the last 20 years of elections to see where they did this before?

  5. may be a Hail Mary pass but it is this Country’s only shot……or it is off to ruin. How Ironic would it be to see the legendary lib the great RBG’s death barely a month before the election end up saving the Republic from ruin.

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