AG Pax­ton: Six States Join Texas in Law­suit Defend­ing the Secu­ri­ty of the 2020 Election – IOTW Report

AG Pax­ton: Six States Join Texas in Law­suit Defend­ing the Secu­ri­ty of the 2020 Election

“Texas continues to lead the fight to protect election security and integrity, and today I gladly welcome Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Utah to this historic endeavor. By flouting state and federal election laws, the defendant battleground states have tainted the integrity of citizens’ votes across the entire nation,” said Attorney General Paxton. “To restore trust in the integrity of our election process, we must tirelessly defend its security and hold accountable those who discarded our Constitution for their own convenience. Texas is proud to have these states by its side in shining the bright light of justice.” 


7 Comments on AG Pax­ton: Six States Join Texas in Law­suit Defend­ing the Secu­ri­ty of the 2020 Election

  1. Now, here‘s an interesting twist: Joining Texas in their suit against Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, is…Pennsylvania.

    The Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives have filed an amicus brief.

  2. We should all have one of those huge US state wall maps, like in the old classrooms that hung up front on the blackboard, just to keep track.

    Like a scorecard of sorts…

    Who would have thought it might be the States vs the Feds???

  3. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – another uptick to a ‘revolting’ situation.

    One day it will hit cookoo…

    Again, look at a map…things are lining not lining up.

    Georgia, is just about land locked and surrounded…

    BTW Hiden Biden won 17% of ALL counties in the US.

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