Georgia: Raphael Warnock Twists the Bible to Justify His Radical Positions – IOTW Report

Georgia: Raphael Warnock Twists the Bible to Justify His Radical Positions

Reformation Charlotte:

Reverend Raphael Warnock, the pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, wants you to vote him into the U.S. Senate in place of Senator Kelly Loeffler, who has demonstrated she is the staunchest supporter of President Trump. Warnock’s record reveals him to a radical racist using his clerical position to step, not up, but down into national politics.

If the GOP loses its majority status in the Senate, it will give the leftwing Democrats the power to put America into a freefall, landing us in a Socialist hell. Senator David Perdue’s seat is also in jeopardy being challenged by a lightweight novice Jon Ossoff. Perdue’s refusal to debate Ossoff is a huge political mistake. Perdue is slightly ahead in the polls, and you know the polls.

Ossoff is married to a physician whom he started dating as a teenager and “were together for more than a decade before Ossoff proposed in 2017.” His campaign statement admitted, “They’ve been together 12 years and were students together at Georgetown University.” Earlier media characterized his future wife as “his live-in girlfriend.”

That means Biden and Harris are joined by Ossoff as famous fornicators. Of course, in this “enlightened” day, sexual immorality is no big deal. After all, President Trump has been a member of that club for decades. While that is a fact, it is also a fact that if I have to choose between a fornicator who advocates abortion and the radical left agenda and a fornicator who rejects baby killing and is for liberty and free enterprise, not a Socialist state, my choice is easy to make. read more

8 Comments on Georgia: Raphael Warnock Twists the Bible to Justify His Radical Positions

  1. “Raphael Warnock Twists the Bible to Justify His Radical Positions”

    You don’t need to look to hard to see this is true.

    More concerned about the Pope’s anti-christ statements and positions, though, than a fake Christian politician. Pretty much all of the political Catholics are fake. Look at the current crop led by Biden and Pelosi. All fakers posing as real Catholics.

    He reminds me of some “churches” I visited where you could tell the wrong kind of spirit was present.

    Hint: If “speaking in tongues” means uttering gibberish and not a language they shouldn’t know but is understood by someone in attendance, they’re are faking it and evil is present. Witnessed that one before.

    Being a “pro-choice pastor” should be enough to reveal his fake-ness. I pity the followers who agree with him. They worship something else besides the one and only true God.

  2. I can’t remember where I read it, but it was an article chronicling Hussein Obama’s life. In it, it talked about Frank Marshall Davis and how the Soviet Union Communist Party targeted blacks to recruit in the 50’s. The reasoning being that blacks were disenfranchised, angry and susceptible to the anti-American propaganda that the Russians offered.

    This resentment and ideology has been simmering for decades just waiting for the right time to boil over. These anti-American blacks are a major threat against the sanctity the American way of life.

  3. As a Pastor Emeritus, I am bounded by my ordination vows to proclaim the Holy Scriptures. I made that vow to Almighty God. In it I spoke plainly to faithfully teach the Word as the inspired word revealed by God to the Prophets and Evangelists and to the Apostles. This political preacher is a false teacher, and he will stand before the Lord in judgment some day receive the penalty for his false teaching. Woe to him who calls evil good!


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