Powell to Appeal Arizona Lawsuit in SCOTUS – IOTW Report

Powell to Appeal Arizona Lawsuit in SCOTUS

NTD: According to the Washington Times, Arizona Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward announced that the Arizona election lawsuit will be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court.

Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell filed the suit on Dec. 2 on behalf of the state’s 11 GOP electors and others.

Powell’s Arizona co-counsel Alex Kolodin told The Epoch Times in a phone interview his team is planning to fast-track the case to the highest court.

“We’ve always known that this will ultimately be decided in the U.S. Supreme Court, and so we’re ready to fight on and ready to take this fight to the very finish. And that’s the U.S. Supreme Court,” said Kolodin.

The lawsuit alleges that Dominion election software was manipulated and other fraud occurred in the state, violating the Constitution and state election laws. The lawsuit also claims over 412,000 votes were illegally cast. more

8 Comments on Powell to Appeal Arizona Lawsuit in SCOTUS

  1. I have doubts whe will have either sufficient reason or enough time to get it to the USSC and get a decision from them, if they decide to grant cert in the first place.

  2. Maybe Sidney Powell will finally unleash teh KRAKEN™

    And it will rampage throughout the U.S.A. biting the heads off BLM and Antifa anarchists, dragging the SCOTUS judges from their chambers and pronouncing judgement on their sorry arses.
    Then it will spread its tentacles all over the U.S.A. grabbing every Democrat politician in a vice-like slimy grip and crushing them mightily.
    Finally, for dessert, it will make its leisurely way across the U.S.A. eating Democrat voters and throwing up at intervals because they are just so damn nasty.


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