“You did the bang bang with Fang Fang and now your political career is finished” – IOTW Report

“You did the bang bang with Fang Fang and now your political career is finished”

Second Story Involving Swalwell & Chinese Spy Surfaces, Swalwell Has Meltdown on Twitter.

20 Comments on “You did the bang bang with Fang Fang and now your political career is finished”

  1. I am surprised that he has not used the “I am openly GAY” line to explain WHY he wasn’t screwing around with that chinese woman…………unless his backdoor swings both ways and he is doing Feinstein’s chauffeur TOO…

  2. Like anything is gonna happen to these miscreants? Hell, DiFi had her own personal ChiSpy driving her around for 20+ years… a little reverse anal pegging with a Chinese Hooker spy is nothin’.

  3. Is his wife tripping on this yet?
    Ask yourself, Mrs. Swalwell. How did your clinically dumb hubby go from metaphorically cleaning toilets at city council to the intel committee (overseeing the CIA) in congress?!

    Did they have sex in his office? Her house? Your family car?
    Your marital bed?

  4. They always add this little nugget: “There is no indication of wrongdoing on Swalwell’s part.”
    It would have been nice if they had given President Trump the same consideration in every hit-piece they did on HIM over the last 5 years.

  5. We descend rapidly through banana republic status to the primitive. The left orchestrates this, the non-leftists allow and in many cases abet it. Swallwell is emblematic of the quality of young ‘leadership’ at the national level.

    Prep up if you can, you and yours will last longer if you do.


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