“I CAN’T KEEP DOING THIS” Doctor pleads for review of data during COVID-19 Senate hearing – IOTW Report

“I CAN’T KEEP DOING THIS” Doctor pleads for review of data during COVID-19 Senate hearing

Pierre Kory, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine at St. Luke’s Aurora Medical Center, delivers passionate testimony during the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing on “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution, Part II.”

h/t PHenry.

22 Comments on “I CAN’T KEEP DOING THIS” Doctor pleads for review of data during COVID-19 Senate hearing

  1. Who are you going to believe, a doctor who has not really practiced in years and thr head of a software company, or doctors who are specialized and are working in the trenches.

    Of course a doctor who doesn’t go along with the official doctrine is labeled a political hack. I am surprised this video is still available on YouCan’tWatchItIfWeDon’tLikeItTube.

  2. Ivermectin, Generic Soolantra, Stromectol – 8 tablets – $19.13

    Way to cheap – They will never approve it.
    How will the pharmaceutical companies ever pay for a week in Maui.

  3. I watched this before.

    The man is very sincere and as more vaccines are already starting to cause problems in Australia, England and some other places, it is very real likely that therapeutics like this will become much more important.

    God forbid anyone takes quinine like Freddo Cuomo did.

  4. CCNV
    A friend of mine who worked for a pharma factory said the same thing. One big lot of any particular drug gets made and some goes to pharmacy’s and some goes to vets. Same stuff but they charge way more when they sell it for people.

  5. Ivermectin is readily available–I have prescribed it (as a pediatric nurse practitioner) to children with scabies. This is so scary because this is so damned politicized and here is an inexpensive medication with few, if any side effects.

  6. What’s the damn point of “deboooonking” ivermectin and hcq and any other treatment outside of their poison needle? So what if it works for certain people, why go out of the way to write up a big story and lie to claim it has ABSOLUTELY NO BENEFIT AT ALL EVER NO MATTER WHAT…???

    Hell, alcohol doesn’t make everyone relax and have a good time, it has adverse effects in some. Does that mean it should be banned from everyone for treating stress?

    I don’t get the motive. Sure, there’s making you submit to TPTB and culling the herd/eugenics…. but there’s something else afoot, IMHO. Follow the money doesn’t even really work all that great because there’s not enough money in the vaccine to cover like they are.

    time will tell, I guess.

  7. @groucho.

    Of course the AP had to inaccurately reference the woman who murdered her husband with fish tank cleaner.
    Some product with ‘Chlor’ in it to put the stink eye on Trump’s early hydroxychloroquine recommendation.

    Still looking for something that resembles truth.
    Wasn’t holding my breath that AP would be source for truth.

  8. Go to any farm store buy a huge bottle of injectable ivermectin, dosage is 1ml per 110 lbs in cattle. Dosage for humans is .009 ml per 110 lbs. I’ve known many vets who after messing with a dog with mange that for a week would put .5 ml of the cattle/swine injectable ivermectin in a drink daily as a preventive for scabies. So if a doctor won’t give it to you, buy it yourself at a farm store or any online pet or farm supply. Just don’t get the pour on kind.
    I also just did a search and there are many places you can order the pill form for humans online, it’s more expensive though than the cattle ivermectin.

  9. The most popular public CDC C-19 Website:
    Updated: Dec 13 2020 12:17PM
    Claims 2,283 New Deaths.

    http://www.statista.com Tell us: “On an average day, nearly 8,000 people die from all causes in the United States, based on data from 2019.”

    So the C-19 is claimed to have added an additional 326 deaths per day.
    Which is 0.00009532163742690059 of 1% for the USA population of 342 Million per day.

    This site tracks Officially declared C-19 DEATHS.
    The other CDC Website that tracks Official Death claims:
    For the week ending on 12/5/2020
    2,849 Deaths where C-19 Season #2 was involved.
    26,386 Death from ALL causes
    and the C-19 death toll was 54% LOWER that projected.

    Historical Note:
    The Highest 7 day C-19 claimed death toll was set back in Season #1 on April 18th, 2020 and still stands at 17,094.

    The Death Count has been in steady decline with a few Seasonal related bumps.

    I would suggest Season #1 ended on or about 10-10-2020 according to CDC infection and Mortality data.

    But the CDC and others continue the count as a Grand Total by ADDING to Season #1 numbers for Greater Caution, panic and Impact.


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