President Trump Approves Filing Re-Tooled Texas Style Lawsuit to SCOTUS – IOTW Report

President Trump Approves Filing Re-Tooled Texas Style Lawsuit to SCOTUS

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Trump approves filing re-tooled Texas style lawsuit to SCOTUS

Trump Approves Filing Retooled Texas-Style Election Challenges: Giuliani

By Zach Stieber, The Epoch Times, December 12, 2020:

President Donald Trump’s legal team is planning on filing retooled lawsuits, his lawyer said Saturday.

“We move immediately, seamlessly, to plan B, which is to bring lawsuits now in each one of the states. We had them ready. They’re just a version of the one that was brought in the Supreme Court. So last night, the president made the decision,” Rudy Giuliani said during an appearance on “War Room: Pandemic.”

Texas filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan, alleging the elections there were run contrary to the Constitution. The nation’s top court rejected the suit late Friday.

Trump’s team is going to file suits or has already filed in the four states as well as Arizona and Nevada. The suits will incorporate allegations in the complaint filed by Texas. read more

8 Comments on President Trump Approves Filing Re-Tooled Texas Style Lawsuit to SCOTUS

  1. Think of a juggler with a dozen balls/pins/apples/whatever in the air and he happens to drop one, he keeps right on juggling the other 11 and meanwhile manages to kick up that twelfth item back into the juggling mix – all without missing a beat. That right there is President Trump (MILST).
    Don’t let the Texas SCOTUS case get you down, it was a dropped item that is getting kicked back into the juggling mix without missing a beat.
    As President Trump (MILST) said, don’t bet against him.
    When he was still a candidate I was considering others because I thought he was a joke. As my preferred choices began to drop out I figured I had better take a look at this guy. In doing my research I looked at all of the allegations against him and TRIED TO PROVE THEM RIGHT. I COULDN’T. The foreclosure on a little old woman, NOPE! Eminent Domain, NOPE! Strip club in his casino, NOPE! Sexual assault of woman on a plane, NOPE! At the Beauty Pageant, NOPE! In every single situation for why “they” said he shouldn’t be President, he came out on top. WWWWIIIINNNNNNNNNIIINNNNGGG, that’s what this man has done and will continue to do. That’s why we support him, BECAUSE HE FIGHTS! AND BECAUSE HE WINS!!! PRESIDENT TRUMP!!! MAN I LOVE SAYING THAT — FOR FOUR MORE YEARS!!!!

  2. There will be NO HELP for Trump from the courts. The SCOTUS refusing to hear the case from Texas under the ridiculous “no standing” excuse proves that. So far EVERY SINGLE LAWSUIT that has been filed to address the fraud HAS FAILED. Some summarily dismissed without even a day in court….the rest dismissed by activist judges who heard the irrefutable evidence than shot down the lawsuit….just as their commie masters instructed them to do. Face the facts. The judicial system in America is CORRUPT beyond redemption. There will be NO REMEDY for the fraud and crimes of the left in the court system. Trump is going to have to invoke the Insurrection Act, perhaps declare Martial Law and start ROUNDING UP TRAITORS by the trainload. And it needs to happen NOW. If he waits till after the Electoral College votes and Biden becomes POTUS elect anything Trump does then will look like HE is the bad guy. Its time for Trump to CROSS THE RUBICON. If he doesn’t then he and his family will be hounded and abused nonstop for the rest of their lives by the left and America ceases to even RESEMBLE a free nation.


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