Hunter Biden Subpoenaed – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden Subpoenaed


Hunter Biden has been subpoenaed by federal investigators over his involvement with at least two dozen entities – including Ukrainian gas company Burisma, according to the Associated Press, citing a ‘person familiar with a Justice Department tax investigation.”

News of the subpoena follows a joint announcement from Hunter and his father Joe Biden’s campaign last week which acknowledged that he was under investigation for tax fraud, with the Washington Post noting that Hunter had yet to be interviewed by the FBI or served with subpoenas.

The subpoena, issued Tuesday, covers a wide swath of Hunter’s taxes and international business dealings – in what could be a serious case against the Biden family (or a serious attempt to put a DOJ ‘bow’ on the ‘matter’). AP notes that it’s unclear if Burisma is a central part of the investigation – despite Joe Biden admitting on tape that he had Ukraine’s chief prosecutor fired during the same period as said investigator, Viktor Shokin, was investigating Burisma’s founder for corruption. READ MORE

22 Comments on Hunter Biden Subpoenaed

  1. My Gawd the rats eat each other ! They are a hungry bunch . I made a rat trap at the farm that would capture 10 or so before I shut the lid . They would eat each other until the last one ate his self . Democrat rats .

  2. This time it really is different. The Dems never wanted Biden. Jill will be crying in the gulag with the rest of the family begging president Harris for a pardon that never comes. She won’t understand the elder abuse she has put Joe through was for nothing

  3. And he’ll just go in front of these useless partisan maggots and plead the 5th, and it will be just like all the other Democommie investigations, IE: nothing happens.

  4. I think that we have enough understanding of the deep state to know that what we think is happening is not what is actually happening. The investigation will undoubtedly go nowhere. Recent history tells us that.

    Why now? Joe has said that he will develop an illness and resign. We have known for some time that he wasn’t going to be president for long and he’s told us that he also knows and is onboard with it. Are they trying to justify to the low information Biden voters why Joe must step down? That doesn’t seem necessary to me. They could just spin up a story that would tug at their heart-strings, appeal to their emotions and they’d buy into it with no second thoughts.

    Are they looking for a scapegoat for the China related corruption? They’ve got Swalwell. They could go after someone related to Kerry or Romney if they wanted someone additional. Why go so high up on the food chain?

    I believe that the deep state is way beyond having to put on dog and pony shows to make it appear that they are doing something.

    No, something else is going on but I haven’t figured out what. The same people that orchestrated this election coup have got the smoke and mirrors out for reasons as yet unknown.

  5. …Joe, when you get to hell, look up a guy named Maximilien Robepierre, he can help explain between screams why you ended up deposed and you and your family jailed and executed by the very revolution you were used by…

  6. What’s weird is Kamala Harris was REJECTED by the Democrat voters.
    And now she is becoming President through the manipulations of the Democrat Party and the federal government (kind of one and the same).
    Don’t the Democrat voters get upset this is happening?

  7. “…a joint announcement from Hunter and his father Joe Biden’s campaign…”

    “father Joe Biden’s campaign”…I had to check the article’s date to make sure it wasn’t from October.

    So it’s “President-Elect” Biden when he’s picking his cabinet, and “ father Joe Biden’s campaign” when he’s being distanced from the son he just said that he’s proud of.

  8. Wasn’t there some pedo stuff on the laptop? I guess that’s all been memory-holed now. Tax boo-boos and “International” shenanigans it is then. This will be some boring theater.

  9. It’s all about the great reset. Joe is too old fashioned for such an anti American plan too many union kick backs and thugs he’s indebted to. Kamala on the other hand would do anything (we already know that) for power and fame and she doesn’t have generational family in the US so her sentiment for America is not strong.shes a globalist pawn.
    Who would have thought she would beat Hillary at the chance to destroy us?

  10. I predict, sometime soon, sonny boy will be found floating face down in someone else’s hot tub…
    The Mob regularly offed family members that garnered their displeasure – I see little difference in this bunch.


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