Lin Wood Releases Photos of Alleged Georgia Mail-In Ballots in Fulton Warehouse – IOTW Report

Lin Wood Releases Photos of Alleged Georgia Mail-In Ballots in Fulton Warehouse

Gateway Pundit-

Attorney Lin Wood tweeted out photos of alleged boxes of Georgia mail-in ballots in a Fulton County warehouse.

Wood alleges that many of the ballots were shipped from Arizona.

He then calls out the FBI, GA Bureau of Investigation, Governor Kemp, Lt. Governor of Georgia, and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “do your damn jobs” and investigate! SEE HERE

h/t KT

13 Comments on Lin Wood Releases Photos of Alleged Georgia Mail-In Ballots in Fulton Warehouse

  1. I hope that if Governor Doug Douchebag was involved in the fraud, he should be hauled off to prison along with the Secretary of State Katie Hobbs. 🤬

    Oh wait, wishful thinking that’s just the norm in the land of the swamp, my bad. 😁

  2. Those appear to be unused ballots, is it unusual to have more printed ballots than were used and is it unusual to have ballots printed and shipped from an out of state located printing facility?

  3. Dr. Tar, my guess would be new ones ordered as soon as the runoff became certain. The old ones have to be kept for a certain amount of time, I think, although the Smartmatics may have been wiped already, so maybe the 11/3 ballots have been destroyed, too.

    I have a feeling that Riff Raffensperger will claim those ballots Lin Wood showed are from the 11/3 election, and must be kept by law. Who knows? Burn ‘em either way. Maybe pay a homeless giy, like the one who burned up half of the I-85 overpass three years ago.

  4. I worked an election with a Dominion on the absent voter ballots and I know after they’re run through the machine they are not stacked that perfectly! of course our machine sucked them into the machine to be retrieved later when we were all done.


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