Technology Expert Can Determine If Ballots are Legitimate or Fake in Seconds – IOTW Report

Technology Expert Can Determine If Ballots are Legitimate or Fake in Seconds

(This guy invented things you use daily!) Holy Cow! Nice…..
Watch HERE

h/t KT

10 Comments on Technology Expert Can Determine If Ballots are Legitimate or Fake in Seconds

  1. Too bad no one of authority plans on looking into election fraud seriously. The second amendment is a better plan for effectiveness and actual solid results with teeth. Never let fear get in your way.

  2. A simple little handheld device can give you an exact analysis of both the paper used and the ink used for the ballots. They’re in common use in a number of industries that have to verify the exact makeup and qualities of materials they use, they’re not exotic and hard to find.

    Just take a sample of each known valid batch of ballots in each area and compare them all for common composition with the ones being different obviously not valid ballots.

  3. The judges need to be treated like Hellen Keller. Grab their hands and make them touch the ballots.


    “These don’t have folds. NO FOLDS. They are fake. FAAAKE”

  4. I started watching McMillion$ today, free download from undisclosed sources. The show is about how McDonalds monopoly was a crime ring and no one legitimately won the big cash prizes. Anyhow, when they made the big money monopoly pieces, certain characters are printed a certain way and there is different types of ink in certain places written on the piece so if someone tried to forge a piece they would be caught immediately. All the pieces were printed and stored under a type of security you would find in a nuclear weapons silo. The FBI gets assigned to the case and ultimately goes thru everything with a fine tooth comb and busts up a big mob ring. I just find it amazing the level of security, scrutiny, technology and investigation for a frickin McDonald’s monopoly GAME with only a few million dollars at stake, yet not even a fraction of those measures are afforded to our country’s election process. Goddamn pathetic.

  5. The problem has been the election people have refused to allow it and the judges won’t rule to do it and the DOJ/FBI can only harass whistleblowers.

    I don’t if POTUS can order the DOJ to issue warrants for ballots or not, but if he can he needs to do so.

    Maybe we the people need to show up at state election boards in such numbers that they can’t refuse letting us in.

  6. All you need is to put unique serial numbers on every ballot, and have the machines track that there is only one vote per serial number.
    – That way you can’t print thousands of ballots in China and ship them to Philadelphia to run through the machines at 3:00.

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