Will A Small County In Northern Michigan Be The Key To Overturning The Nation’s Election Results? America Should Find Out On Monday – IOTW Report

Will A Small County In Northern Michigan Be The Key To Overturning The Nation’s Election Results? America Should Find Out On Monday

Gateway Pundit:

The untold story of a battle to reveal the truth about Dominion voting machines is brewing in Michigan, and not surprisingly, it’s getting very little coverage by the mainstream media.

In a solidly red county in northern Michigan where Trump banners, flags, and yard signs can be found in almost every front yard, voters woke up to discover Joe Biden had walloped President Trump, only to find out shortly later that Dominion voting machines flipped thousands of votes cast for Trump to his Democratic challenger Joe Biden. The media called it a “glitch” and blamed it on human error.

Earlier this week, we reported about the lawsuit filed by Matthew DePerno of DePerno Law on behalf of Central Lake resident William Bailey. In addition to thousands of votes that were flipped from President Trump to Democrat candidate Joe Biden, Bailey was concerned about ballots that were re-run through the Dominion tabulator machine after a 262-262 tie on a vote a ballot initiative that would allow a marijuana establishment to be located within the Village of Central Lake.

While ballots were being inserted into the machine, 3 of the ballots were destroyed and were not placed through the tabulator. At the conclusion of the recount by the tabulating machine and with three fewer votes, the result was 262-261, and the initiative passed. Of course, this result could only be possible after 3 of the ballots were destroyed. more
h/t Dee.

40 Comments on Will A Small County In Northern Michigan Be The Key To Overturning The Nation’s Election Results? America Should Find Out On Monday

  1. States should have laws requiring hand recounts when machine count results are legitimately (legally) called into question.

    Opposing such laws would indicate something in itself, you decide what that something would be.

  2. “ballots that were re-run through the Dominion tabulator machine after a 262-262 tie…3 of the ballots were destroyed and were not placed through the tabulator. At the conclusion of the recount by the tabulating machine and with three fewer votes, the result was 262-261…”

    I’m not getting the Smartmatic maf here. Somebody needs to show their work. Smartmatic, you get an F for fraud.

  3. Has anyone ever wondered why neither party has put a concerted effort into a permanent fix for the voter fraud problem? It’s because fraud benefits both sides of the aisle. It’s what has been needed to perpetuate the illusion of choice we enjoy from our homes in Potemkin Village. There is only one party and We the People are not invited… but we have been paying the bill for generations now. Maybe it is time to say “NO!”?

  4. The way I understood what they said was the report could be released with agreed upon redactions, but the source code could not be released. Report will come after they send the defendants a copy of the redacting report.

    The plaintiff’s attorney seemed happy, the lawyers on the other side didn’t seem happy at all.

  5. The Claw of Bluegrass – I’ve said the same thing about the border (human trafficking and drugs). Some people in the state and fed are getting a cut of the profits and they don’t want anything fixed. And now, on top of that, we have Corporation Royalty who don’t even bother to hide themselves anymore.

  6. “It ain’t over til it’s over!
    Truth will rise……”

    We are in the age of deception, not the age of truth.

    Deception is much more likely to prevail than truth, read the back of the book if you have trouble understanding this.

  7. Tollanonymous – Just go away. You are a pest. You know, like the desperate cricket I found in my garage yesterday that I squashed under my shoe without a second thought.

  8. Prediction: This forensic audit will not be released. Once Honest Joe Biden – The People’s Choice – is installed in the White House, everything about the election and about Hunter, etc. will just disappear like the morning dew. By next Summer no one will even remember anything about the election.

  9. Federal guidelines for car safety – should have guideline standards for election machines and basic requirements and checks for all voting as well, common sense wouldn’t you think. If you don’t pass inspections all your votes are tossed for Federal elections. This is what dumb elected officials have ignored for decades. They better fix it or the second amendment will have to step up to the plate.

  10. Jethro,

    Does your post have anything to say, other than that you are some kind of anal retentive control freak that doesn’t want anything you doesn’t want to hear to be said?

    Do you have any statement about the subject at hand to discuss?

  11. ” … should have guideline standards for election machines and basic requirements and checks for all voting as well, common sense wouldn’t you think.”

    I think regulating the machines would be workable (under the interstate commerce clause of the Constitution), but the USSC has pretty much supported the right of the States themselves to set voting standards and regulations within their State (and this is what the Constitution does as well).

  12. @ MJA…. I hear ya. The problem is: Local, State Federal governments are so intertwined and dependent upon each other to perpetuate their corruption, fraud, graft etc… that the lines between these entities have become blurred. Having held elected office, I have seen this first-hand.

  13. I get the feeling this is not going to be fixed in a over night effort. With the supreme Court fearful of riots it doesn’t seem like a likely avenue? My thoughts were that they would uphold the law knowing that the corrupt administration coming in would pack the court with judges.
    They picked a rigged election, corrupt profiteers, extreme far left radicals and communist interest over riots.
    If this thing stands I suppose we haven’t seen nothing yet?

  14. “You just described yourself.”

    St tell me, Jethro, how am I trying to control anyone?

    Be really specific if you will, since I don’t try or want to control anyone and prefer to have people make their own decisions, while only offering my own observations and opinions, and unaware of how I’m doing this.

    I respectfully await your reply discussing the subject.

  15. @The Claw of Bluegrass, I started thinking that a few years ago when everyone I talked to didn’t vote for a primary candidate, yet he won overwhelmingly, including at our precinct where we all pretty much know or know of everyone in our rural community. Then this year I became convinced, especially with absentee voting when absentee votes overwhelmingly were in favor of medicaid expansion, yet failed on election day. Then general election, Trump won overwhelmingly on election day, yet would have lost if it was only absentee voting.

    Then of course the more they try to convince voters our elections are secure in this state, the more it makes me doubt them.

  16. “My thoughts were that they would uphold the law knowing that the corrupt administration coming in would pack the court with judges.”

    My understanding is that they decided one State does not have the right to control the voting procedures and regulations in another State, which would be in accord with the constitution. The Federal might have to some extent (i.e. voting age, etc.), but that wasn’t the matter at hand.

    If that is not the case, explain how and why it should be different.

  17. The Antrim County case seems to be a matter of old fashioned ballot destruction, rather than manipulation by machine algorithm.

    Why are redactions needed? Sounds like more cover up.

  18. @ anon
    I’m basing my thoughts on how obvious a stolen election can be and not stand up to it. Maybe they will at the next set of hearings?
    The yelling and screaming that went on inside the chamber and to be overheard saying “do you want to be responsible for the riots.”
    Yes, it was a weak case, because there were 27 other states some of whom Trump won, but did not join in the lawsuit. But not the fear of riots should be in the equation.

  19. “I’m basing my thoughts on how obvious a stolen election can be and not stand up to it.”

    Yeah, I can agree with that but the suit as presented didn’t address it properly to bring that as the challenge.

    A court of any kind can only properly address the specific issue presented to it and the basis for the action, moving away from that is what results in judicial activism (which is a real problem in our country today).

  20. I don’t think I’ve ever commented about this, but about 9-12 months ago I had another dream about POTUS Trump winning the 2020 election. (Maybe I did, I forget)

    Anyway: In the summer of 2016 I had a prophetic dream about Trump’s victory in that GE. This last one I had was the same — different circumstances in the dream — but it was conclusive. I was so assured by this last dream that I didn’t even write it down or try to remember the details (so I forget what the scenario was). The details weren’t important to me, it was enough that the dream occurred and that the message was Trump’s (and our country’s) victory.
    And just as it was in ’16, I’ve never spent a moment of worry about our victory in ’20.

  21. BTW……just voted today in Cherokee County Georgia…..for the two (2) senate runoffs…..

    and the voting machine/system……Dominion…..

    A lot of real confidence that…..“Every vote counts.” sarc/off

  22. I keep asking this question, but never get an answer.
    WTF is wrong with manually counting anf saving paper ballots.
    For decades, before the electronic age, we seem to have been able to get a vote tabulated in time for the nighthawks to get the results by midnight of election day

  23. @Anon

    “My understanding is that they decided one State does not have the right to control the voting procedures and regulations in another State, which would be in accord with the constitution. The Federal might have to some extent (i.e. voting age, etc.), but that wasn’t the matter at hand.”

    “If that is not the case, explain how and why it should be different.”

    Who should be the final arbiter in a federal election dispute? This was not a bunch of states in opposition to each others’ state election laws. This was a collection of states that have a concern about the integrity of a national election where the outcome has an effect on the voters of Texas and the voters of the other states that supported Texas (as well as every US citizen).

    Of course, not all states saw it that way, but a large minority did.

    The SCOTUS got scared and left the case to rot in the noonday sun.

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