Cardinal Burke: Forces of the ‘Great Reset’ have used COVID to advance ‘evil agenda’ – IOTW Report

Cardinal Burke: Forces of the ‘Great Reset’ have used COVID to advance ‘evil agenda’


14 Comments on Cardinal Burke: Forces of the ‘Great Reset’ have used COVID to advance ‘evil agenda’

  1. One critical mistake our overlords have made. They pushed us too far too fast. We’re already over the edge pissed off. A bunch more fresh red pillers walk among us. Pushing a reset from this point will spill a lot of blood. They will back off. Or maybe not, what do I know?

    I like the cardinal’s stick, I gotta get me a going to town stick.

  2. ecp: Our problem is that the left controls popular culture and gives people the impression that a majority of people agree with the left.

    Their problem is that the left controls popular culture and gives people the impression that people agree with the left. That gives the elite the false impression that we are ready for โ€œthe great reset.โ€ They are in for a shock when they find out that they do not have the support that they think they have.

  3. One of the unintended consequences of the great lockdown is that parishioners are no longer stuck with their local insipid pastors. If I’m tuning in to Mass, I might as well scroll through YouTube and find a good homilist and a beautiful church interior. (This scores high on the homily but the sanctuary is a cut & paste job that spent more on materials than cohesive design and ends up looking like a Vegas interpretation of a church.)

  4. There are some good ones out there…. just got to seek them out. I liked the way closed captioning showed “music” when he started speaking in latin…


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