Barr is out – IOTW Report

Barr is out

67 Comments on Barr is out

  1. This addresses my concern earlier regarding the 2018 executive order about foreign election interference. AG approval needed for Trump to proceed, and now Barnacle Bill is out of the way. Well done Mr. President.

  2. well played, Mr. Barr, well played. You were able to successfully run out the clock to prevent any democrat or democrat supporter from ever having to face any justice for that they had done to this country. I wonder what lies you told Trump to convince him to hire you when you didn’t really care to do much to support him.

  3. The Department of Selective Justice will never be the same. $10 says Barr was told by President Trump to shit or get off the pot… gutless turd Barr chose get off. In the next day or two I predict a YUGE exodus of rat-f*cks from OUR government. Hopefully, this is the beginning of the giant swirl from the swamp drain.

  4. @BAMO
    DECEMBER 14, 2020 AT 6:05 PM
    “To quote “Johnny” in “Angels With Filthy Souls”, “Take that ya filthy animal!”.”

    BAMO: Actually it was Snakes who said that to Johnny. (I have 9 grandkids, have seen those movies more times than I can count.)

  5. I can not believe the disloyalty the Trump must tolerate.

    Why the hell can’t people just do their job competently and according to the law not on weather it is an election year or not?

  6. Watch for more RINO’s and faint hearts to abandon ship as they believe a president Biden will purge them come January.

    I wish I could see all there faces when the president is re-inaugurated instead and Biden is indicted instead. Hope Biden doesn’t break a foot doing the perp-walk to the curb. The momentum is shifting and they are going down.

  7. Reading Trump’s twitter comment and Barr’s letter, it appears that Barr resigned and was NOT fired. Semantics, maybe, but I would have preferred Barr fired back in October when it was discovered he was covering for Hunter. This can easily be explained as an AG leaving a few weeks before his boss is turned out to pasture.

  8. Now Trump must declassify all things swamp, get Durham’s report out, and hire a Special Prosecutor to dive into Hunter, James, Joe and the CCP. That will be his greatest legacy!

  9. BB quit before POTUS fired him – what a pussy
    BB could’ve been a great patriot but chose to run cover for biteme and the deviant political class.
    pathetic and pitiful
    Not the way I’d want to be remembered at this historical moment.
    makes ya wonder what kind of skellies are in BB’s closet …

  10. He is getting out of the way BEFORE the Christmas Eve massacre…and clearing the way for the POTUS.

    Could they be playing good cop, bad cop…but in REVERSE, for optics? Not sure but I have to wonder?

    There is just something so odd about this timing and what has been ‘reported’ in the press. Specifically the type of relationship they have.

  11. I want Ric Grenell in that slot–he is not afraid to release anything. Even though you don’t have to be an attorney, you have to be approved by the senate and that isn’t going to happen. I can wish though.

  12. Trump is such a fucktard when it comes to dealing with the swamp. By sitting by and doing nothing he has let these assholes cover for the swamp rats anf their crimes and by doing so has denied the American people justice under the law. He should fire Barr, Wray, Durham and Haspel right F’N now. Trump now is part of the problem, not the solution.

  13. @kt – I disagree, that REAKS of desperation. He needs to wait it out more like I said, give it a week and a half he is still assembling his battery.

    DJT is not and never been a desperate type…


  14. The workers at the DOJ building will be pleasantly surprised in the morning when they discover that there’s actually some jelly filled doughnuts still for the taking at the coffee station.

  15. “He is getting out of the way BEFORE the Christmas Eve massacre…and clearing the way for the POTUS.”

    ghost, are you baiting the glum Anonymous into bringing his jaded defeatism to the party? You know he doesn’t like it when you’re optimistic.

  16. BB says no proof of massive election fraud

    BB quits same day indisputable massive election fraud reported.
    You can bet your ass if this was proven in a small MI town, it’ll be found everywhere these machines were used.

    and now BB won’t have to address the DNI report due this Friday …

  17. I already sent my recommendation to POTUS not to appoint any more swamp rats to that position. I recommend someone who’s in his corner like WI. Sheriff David Clarke…he’s got the balls to go after the scum and not afraid of the Clinton Cartel!

  18. Barr has done more damage to our country than clinton and obama COMBINED.

    He had the sole ability to rescue our nation from a mafia running it. But it turns out he’s party of it.

    May he choke to death at his Christmas dinner. Slowly and painfully.

  19. Barr was brought in by the Swamp to smooth over all the corruption and make it all go away.
    He did it for Ruby Ridge and Waco and now all of obozo’s 8 years of scandal.
    The swamp wins.
    We lose.
    RICO the DNC

  20. He was kissing Trump’s ass in the resignation letter. Too bad his work ethic didn’t show any ethic. “but but but he rounded up illegals and ms-13!” So did Sessions and 0bama. BFD! Low hanging fruit arrests low hanging fruit. lol.

    He prosecuted no one for spygate, crossfire hurricane, hillary, bidenS when he first got there. He already KNEW about them! Fuck him and anyone who defends him. The left will probably start a gofundme page for him by the end of the week.


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