Wisconsin Supreme Court Says Coronavirus Is Not A Reason To Abandon Voter ID Requirement – IOTW Report

Wisconsin Supreme Court Says Coronavirus Is Not A Reason To Abandon Voter ID Requirement


The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled Monday that residents, not county clerks, are responsible for determining whether their voter status warrants an absentee ballot submission without providing voter ID.

According to Wisconsin state law, voters may circumvent the state’s ID requirement if they claim to be confined based on age, disability, or infirmary. Local election officials in Dane and Milwaukee Counties this spring however, aimed to expand exemptions to the voter ID law to any voter claiming confinement from the coronavirus pandemic caused prohibitive challenges to submitting their ballots with proper ID.

In a unanimous ruling, the Wisconsin Supreme Court overruled election officials who implemented their own amendments to state law, arguing that the state Democratic governor’s stay-home order used at least in part to justify the changes — which was also shut down by the high bench this spring — did not render residents indefinitely confined and therefore did not warrant an exemption from providing ID. more

9 Comments on Wisconsin Supreme Court Says Coronavirus Is Not A Reason To Abandon Voter ID Requirement

  1. “election officials who implemented their own amendments to state law”

    You can NEVER turn your back on leftists. In their foul little heads they can find justification for anything. And ALWAYS to their benefit,

  2. Do away with identification for the big things like voting, and you’ll end up having to produce ihre papieren at random checkpoints, just to get on the bus or buy a loaf of bread.

  3. And what is the practical effect of this facially beneficial ruling?

    In view of the earlier “laches” unreasonable delay ruling, ( would have to say this ruling is meaningless.

    Unless, of course, in the unlikely event that the US “Supreme” Court takes up the matter and reverses it. No, I am not on a mind-altering drug.

    I am just sayin’.

    By the way, someone should notify the US “Supremes” that cowardice is rarely, if ever, a successful strategy.

  4. If anyone gave two craps about our country which is nothing without free and fair elections then all 50 states would have forensic audits where state election officials could not be involved.
    Let’s look at not only the general election, but the primary and runoff elections as well.
    Too bad we don’t have one federal judge anywhere that will grow a set and demand it. Too bad we don’t have a DOJ or any federal or state LE group that will subpoena ballots and machines.


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